Completed transfer of all non-XeTeX code to LuaUUThesis.cls.

Taha Ahmed 6 years ago
parent 4a12f04459
commit 10080e9c43

@ -1,16 +1,213 @@
% ==============================================
% Class definition UU LuaThesis - 2018-01-18
% ==============================================
\ProvidesClass{LuaUUThesis} \ProvidesClass{LuaUUThesis}
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
% Conditionals for options
% Paper resizing commands
% extra-large margins for use during draft
% Note that this is effectively s5paper format
% with all extra space used for margins (out to a4paper dimensions)
\setlength{\paperheight}{297mm} %242mm % 55mm
\setlength{\paperwidth}{210mm} %165mm % 45mm
% add half the excess height to topmargin (plus original value)
\setlength{\topmargin}{36,3mm} % 8.8 + 0.5 * 55
% add 50 percent of the excess width to oddsidemargin (plus original value)
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{45mm} % 22.5 + 0.50 * 45
% keep textheight and textwidth same as for s5paper
% remember, the idea here was to expand the margins, to make room
% for more marginnotes during draft work
% add 50 percent of the excess page width to marginparwidth (plus original value)
% remember, marginparwidth should be slightly smaller than odd/evensidemargin
\setlength{\marginparwidth}{42,5mm} % 20 + 0.50 * 45
\ClassWarning{Invalid papersize \CurrentOption}
\ClassWarning{Invalid papersize \CurrentOption}
\ClassWarning{This class does not support \CurrentOption}
\DeclareOption{swedish}{ \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{babel} }
\DeclareOption{english}{ \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{babel} }
\DeclareOption{german}{ \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{babel} }
\DeclareOption{french}{ \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{babel} }
\DeclareOption{openany}{ \@UU@openrightfalse }
\DeclareOption{openright}{ \@UU@openrighttrue }
\PassOptionsToPackage{linktocpage, breaklinks=true, colorlinks=true, urlcolor=black, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, filecolor=black, menucolor=black, pdfpagelabels,bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarks=true}{hyperref}
% The thesis template is based on the standard class book % The thesis template is based on the standard class book
\LoadClass{book} \LoadClass{book}
%% disable this block since it seems to only be for dvips route anyway
% Define page size and tell dvips to use it by entering the \special command
% ============================================
% Font settings
% ============================================
\renewcommand\normalsize{\@setfontsize{\normalsize}{11}{13}} %11/13pt
% ============================================ % ============================================
% Basic adjustments % Basic adjustments
% ============================================ % ============================================
% disabled for now /TA \renewcommand{\bibname}{\refname}
% \renewcommand{\bibname}{\refname}
% Prevent widows and orphans by setting a very large penalty % Prevent widows and orphans by setting a very large penalty
\widowpenalty=\@M \widowpenalty=\@M
@ -93,6 +290,68 @@
\advance\linewidth-\@totalleftmargin \advance\linewidth-\@totalleftmargin
} }
% Indented, smaller text with space before and after
% (You should adjust this so it uses csquotes quotation environment /TA, 180118)
\addvspace{13pt plus 6pt minus 6pt}\small\noindent\ignorespaces%
\par\addvspace{13pt plus 6pt minus 6pt}%
% ============================================
% Page layout
% ============================================
% Plain - Empty header with page number outer end of footer
% UU@chapter - empty header
% Headings - chapter title in even headers, section title in odd headers
\def\@evenhead{\leftmark\hfil }%
\def\@oddhead {\hfil\rightmark }%
\let\@mkboth \markboth %
\def\chaptermark ##1{\markboth {\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne \thechapter . \ \fi ##1}{}}%
\def\sectionmark ##1{\markright {\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@ \thesection~~\fi ##1}}%
\markboth{Appendix \theappendix}{}%
% Adjust to odd pagenumber using an optional blank page
% ============================================ % ============================================
% Dispositional Settings % Dispositional Settings
@ -105,6 +364,57 @@
\newcounter{secnumdepthmainmatter} \newcounter{secnumdepthmainmatter}
\AtBeginDocument{\setcounter{secnumdepthmainmatter}{\c@secnumdepth}} \AtBeginDocument{\setcounter{secnumdepthmainmatter}{\c@secnumdepth}}
% Remove page numbers and numbering of headings
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-2} %
% Adjust to odd page and restore numbering of headings
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{\c@secnumdepthmainmatter} %
% Remove page numbers and numbering of headings
% Change the chapter command to create appendixes
% ============================================ % ============================================
% Headings % Headings
@ -124,18 +434,336 @@
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{\csname toclevel@#1\endcsname}% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{\csname toclevel@#1\endcsname}%
} }
% Redefinition of sectioning command to prevent issues with AMSMath
% and allow for greater adjustments of chapter numbering
\renewcommand{\@startsection}[6]{ %
\if@noskipsec\leavevmode\fi %
\par\@tempskipa #4\relax\@afterindentfalse%
\@tempskipa #3\relax %
\begingroup %
#4{\@hangfrom{\hskip #1}\interlinepenalty \@M #5\@@par}%
\endgroup %
\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth%
\else %
\fi %
\@tempskipa #5\relax %
\begingroup %
{\@hangfrom {\hskip #3\relax \@svsec }\interlinepenalty \@M #8 \@@par }%
\csname #1mark\endcsname {#7}%
\addcontentsline {toc}{#1}{%
\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth\else%
\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}%
\@tempskipa #1\relax %
\par \nobreak \vskip \@tempskipa %
\@afterheading %
% Chapter numbering formats
\csname @seccntformat@#1\endcsname%
\makebox[0mm][r]{\csname @seccntformat@#1\endcsname}%
% Part heading
\thispagestyle {empty}%
\edef\@mtarg{\zap@space#2 \@empty}%
\edef\pgsdelimiter{\ifx\@empty\@mtarg\else :\fi}%
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax %
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\partname~\thepart :~#1}%
\else %
\addcontentsline {toc}{part}{#1}%
\fi %
\interlinepenalty \@M%
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax \partname \nobreakspace \thepart\pgsdelimiter \par \fi %
% Chapter heading
\@startsection {chapter}{0}{\z@}{\z@}{82pt plus 13pt minus 26pt}{%
% Appendix heading
\@startsection{appendix}{-2}{\z@}{\z@}{82pt plus 13pt minus 26pt}{%
Appendix \@Alph\c@appendix.\\
\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{30pt plus 5pt minus 5pt}{5pt minus 1pt}{%
\@startsection {subsection}{2}{\z@}{25pt plus 5pt minus 3pt}{4pt minus 1pt}{%
\@startsection {subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{13pt plus 5pt minus 2pt}{1pt minus 1pt}{%
\@startsection {paragraph}{4}{\z@}{13pt plus 5pt minus 2pt}{1pt minus 1pt}{%
\@startsection {subparagraph}{5}{\z@}{13pt plus 5pt minus 2pt}{1pt minus 1pt}{%
%\hyphenation{te-star avsta-vning vi-d binde-streck}
% ============================================
% Captions
% ============================================
\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{3pt plus 2pt}
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0pt plus 42pt}
\par %
\addcontentsline {\csname ext@#1\endcsname }{#1}{\protect \numberline {\csname the#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces #2}}%
\begingroup %
\@parboxrestore %
\if@minipage %
\@setminipage %
\fi %
\normalsize %
\@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces #3}%
\par %
%\sbox\@tempboxa{{\bf #1.} #2}%
\small{\bf #1.} {\it #2}\par%
\sbox\@tempboxa{{\it #1.} #2}%
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa>\hsize%
\small{\it #1.} #2\par%
\else %
\global \@minipagefalse \hb@xt@ \hsize {\hfil \box \@tempboxa \hfil }%
\fi %
\expandafter\let\expandafter\hej\csname @makecaption@\@captype\endcsname%
% ============================================ % ============================================
% Package fixes % Package fixes
% ============================================ % ============================================
% Smaller font size in tables
% Fixes for package caption
\def \figure{\begingroup\captionsetup{labelfont=it,textfont=rm}\ofigure}%
% Fixes for package natbib
% Fixes for package amsthm
\normalfont %
\normalfont %
% Fixes for package longtable
\g@addto@macro\endlongtable{\addvspace{0pt plus 13pt}\normalsize}%
\hline \multicolumn{\LT@cols}{r@{}}{{\continuednextpage}} %
% Prevents raggedright from creating bad line breaks % Prevents raggedright from creating bad line breaks
\@ifpackageloaded{ragged2e}{ \@ifpackageloaded{ragged2e}{
\providecommand{\UU@RaggedRight}{\RaggedRight} \providecommand{\UU@RaggedRight}{\RaggedRight}
}{% }{%
\providecommand{\UU@RaggedRight}{\raggedright\parfillskip\fill}% \providecommand{\UU@RaggedRight}{\raggedright\parfillskip\fill}%
} }
% Prevents hyperref from breaking table of contents
\ifx \\#4\\\csname l@#1\endcsname {#2}{#3}%
\else %
\ifHy@linktocpage %
\csname l@#1\endcsname {#2}{\hyper@linkstart {link}{#4}{#3}\hyper@linkend }%
\csname l@#1\endcsname {\hyper@linkstart {link}{#4}{#2}\hyper@linkend }{#3}%
% ============================================ % ============================================
% Table of contents % Table of contents
@ -146,13 +774,212 @@
\setcounter{tocdepth}{\csname toclevel@#1\endcsname}% \setcounter{tocdepth}{\csname toclevel@#1\endcsname}%
} }
\setlength{\tocskip@part}{13pt plus 2pt}
\setlength{\tocskip@chapter}{8pt minus 1pt}
\ifnum \c@tocdepth >#5
\parindent \z@%
\hskip -\leftskip%
#1\nobreak\ %
\renewcommand*{\numberline}[1]{\@hangfrom{\hb@xt@ \@tempdima {#1\hfil}}}
\newcommand*\nonumberline[1]{\hb@xt@ \@tempdima {#1\hfil}}
% List of tables TOC line: format of first part
\newcommand*\tablenumberline[1]{\hb@xt@ \@tempdima {#1~\hfil}}
% List of figures TOC line: format of first part
\newcommand*\figurenumberline[1]{\hb@xt@ \@tempdima {#1~\hfil}}
% Adjust table of contents indents based on level of numbering
% Figure TOC number line
% Table TOC number line
\addvspace{0.5\baselineskip plus 0.1\baselineskip}%
% ============================================
% Basic bibliography
% ============================================
\@mkboth {\bibname}{\bibname}%
\list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c@enumiv }}{%
\leftmargin\labelwidth %
\advance\leftmargin \labelsep %
\let\p@enumiv\@empty %
\renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic \c@enumiv }%
\sloppy %
\clubpenalty 4000 %
\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty %
\widowpenalty 4000%
\sfcode `\.\@m%
\def \@noitemerr {\@latex@warning {Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
% ============================================ % ============================================
% List of papers % List of papers
% ============================================ % ============================================
% disabled for now /TA \renewcommand{\bibname}{\refname}
\providecommand{\listofpapersname}{List of papers} \providecommand{\listofpapersname}{List of papers}
\providecommand{\continuednextpage}{Continued on next page} \providecommand{\continuednextpage}{Continued on next page}
\providecommand{\keywordsname}{Keywords} \providecommand{\keywordsname}{Keywords}
@ -338,6 +1165,43 @@
} }
% ============================================
% Index
% ============================================
\@restonecolfalse %
\else %
\@restonecoltrue %
\fi %
\parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@ %
\relax %
\columnseprule \z@ %
\columnsep 35\p@ %
\let \item \@idxitem %
\renewcommand{\printindex}{\@input {\jobname .ind}}%
% ============================================ % ============================================
% Compability and short-hands % Compability and short-hands
% ============================================ % ============================================
