Basic no-frills WORKING cls.

Taha Ahmed 7 years ago
parent 63ead4424a
commit 4a12f04459

@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
% The thesis template is based on the standard class book
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% Basic adjustments
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% disabled for now /TA
% \renewcommand{\bibname}{\refname}
% Prevent widows and orphans by setting a very large penalty
% Set spacing around paragraphs and displays
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% No indentation of footnotes
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% Remove default spacing between items in lists
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% Dispositional Settings
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% Default to not using numbering for headings
% Set numbering valid only withing the main matter
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% Headings
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% Provides a readable command to set numbering of headings
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% Package fixes
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% Prevents raggedright from creating bad line breaks
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% Table of contents
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% Provides a readable command to set the level of detail in toc
\setcounter{tocdepth}{\csname toclevel@#1\endcsname}%
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% List of papers
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% disabled for now /TA
\providecommand{\listofpapersname}{List of papers}
\providecommand{\continuednextpage}{Continued on next page}
\listofpapersintro{This thesis is based on the following papers, which are referred to in the text by their roman numerals.}%
\listofpapersoutro{Reprints were made with permission from the publishers.}
\renewcommand{\listofpapersname}{Lista \"over delarbeten}%
\listofpapersintro{Denna avhandling \"ar baserad p\r{a} f\"oljande artiklar, vilka i texten h\"anvisas till med romerska siffror.}%
\listofpapersoutro{Reproduktion med tillst\aa nd fr\aa n respektive utgivare.}%
\renewcommand{\continuednextpage}{Fortsatt p\r{a} n\"a{}sta sida}%
\renewcommand{\listofpapersname}{List of papers}%
\listofpapersintro{This thesis is based on the following papers, which are referred to in the text by their Roman numerals.}%
\listofpapersoutro{Reprints were made with permission from the publishers.}%
\renewcommand{\continuednextpage}{Continued on next page}%
\renewcommand{\xpg@hook@setlanguage}{\csname pgs@language@\languagename \endcsname}
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\vspace{1\baselineskip}\noindent {\@listofpapersoutro}%
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% Dummy pages
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% Compability and short-hands
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