Taha Ahmed
Allow assets.external to copy directories, not just files.
4 years ago
Taha Ahmed
assets.external now supports specifying target subdir
I did this to lessen risk of filename clashes in the thesis/assets/data/
folder. This way, I can easily have a separate subdir for each manuscript.
4 years ago
Taha Ahmed
files in assets/references/ actually need to be overwritten
since they are bibtex libraries which often change on disk
and this copying is how we update the thesis's copy of them
5 years ago
Taha Ahmed
external assets for thesis now handled more robustly
we can now find all external.assets file in the entire assets/ tree
also copy operation does not overwrite
5 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Also match .glstex aux files
5 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Exploded the list of aux filetypes into a list to allow more comments,
and added *.ist to the list.
5 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added push functionality Gotify CLI for longer runs.
5 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Don't clean *.bcf files as they are useful when generating stand-alone bibliographies using biber
5 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Excluded *.svg, *.pdf and extensionless files from low-res photos
in the special thesis submodule.
There is no need to convert pdf, svg to jpeg and shrink even in
thesis draft mode.
5 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added more filetypes to chertex.sh clean-up <2>.
6 years ago
Taha Ahmed
The current assets.external implementation cannot handle empty lines.
Added a comment to warn about that.
6 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Fixed low-res photos getting re-created every run.
It was missing a touch to the lastrun file in case of success. Now added.
6 years ago
Taha Ahmed
env bash is better for portability, I heard.
6 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added "list-of-schemes" and "list-of-reactions" to aux files.
6 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Removed extraneous and possibly confusing echo "delay completed".
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Misplaced cd command caused working directory errors. Fixed.
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Thesis: create low-res photos on-the-fly from existing photos
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Cosmetic changes, should improve UX a little
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
chertex.sh now reads and fetches external assets for thesis
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added a total runtime to script output.
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Created two new scripts for launching Chrome webapp windows.
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
The "job complete"-block now aligns properly for both summer and wintertime.
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Changed all absolute paths to so they begin "/media/bay/..."
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Decreased wait (sleep) times for chertex.sh slightly.
8 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Corrected exit statuses in chertex.sh to zero for success and one otherwise.
9 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Completed script that manages and builds jekyll site.
11 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Mainly updates to the way chertex.sh handles Shiny.
11 years ago
Taha Ahmed
chertex.sh now handles sample-matrix jobs only to produce HTML (Shiny) output.
Previously a pdf file was always created as well, but from now on,
sample-matrix will be exclusively used in the Shiny app.
11 years ago
Taha Ahmed
The integration between chertex.sh and shiny-matrix.sh now works better.
Running chertex.sh on sample-matrix.Rnw kills previous shiny::runApp() instances,
and creates a new and persistent shiny instance using the nohup command.
11 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added shiny-matrix.sh, and now chertex.sh updates the Shiny matrix.
11 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added date information to end of chertex.sh output.
11 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added support for knitr jobs as well.
chertex.sh will use knitr instead of pgfSweave if it detects a file name ".knitme"
in the directory of the current job. Crude solution, but it should work.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added support for new sample-matrix markdown source files.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added *.Rmd files to the set of returned files after directory wipe (option 3).
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added conversion of png to low-res png (25% of original size).
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added *.fls to list of aux file types (used for clean-up option).
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added a check for *.rda files after directory wiping.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
The check for Rproj files now fixed and works properly.
An answer on stackoverflow provided by the basis for the code.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Now checks if Rproj exists before attempting to copy it.
Embarrasing oversight. Rproj file may not always exist (only created if an Rstudio project has been created in that directory).
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
chertex.sh now keeps *.Rproj files after wiping a directory. This is necessary for RStudio's project system.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added support for makeglossaries to .latexmkrc
Incorporated the contents of previous ltxmkshellescape.rc
into the new .latexmkrc.
Updated chertex.sh to reflect the new rc file structure.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added a timestamp to the dirname in the tmp directory. This ensures uniqueness.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added an option to wipe the current directory.
Crude implementation currently, but it appears to work. Good enough.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added explanatory comment.
14 years ago
Taha Ahmed
TIFF conversion to PNG and aggregated PDF combined in semtiffconv.sh.
For use with new SEM images.
Just run the command once, and PNG files and one PDF will be created in
working directory where semtiffconv.sh is called.
14 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added *.lof and *.tdo to clean-up.
14 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Changed "require" to "request" in user info message.
14 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Added support for latexmk shell escape in chertex.sh. Added clean-up option.
14 years ago
Taha Ahmed
Batch-processing of tikz files now uses tikz2pdf, successfully.
14 years ago
Taha Ahmed
I made a few changes to suit my needs bettter.
Moved template to /common/tex
Added siunitx, mhchem, and related commands to template preamble
Use basename of tikz-file as pdf filename instead of the generic "template"
14 years ago