external assets for thesis now handled more robustly

we can now find all external.assets file in the entire assets/ tree
also copy operation does not overwrite
Taha Ahmed 5 years ago
parent 0109401636
commit 52f8fb5ea8

@ -30,7 +30,12 @@ else
echo "--- This job did not request LaTeXMK RC file"
# define some commands
# define some constants
dir_wd=$(basename $path_wd)
# define some file types
@ -120,30 +125,23 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
#### Special treatment for thesis
if [[ ${PWD} == "/media/bay/taha/chepec/thesis" && $jobname == "thesis" ]]; then
if [[ $path_wd == "$path_thesis" && $jobname == "$dir_wd" ]]; then
# Fetch external assets by reading any assets.external files in assets/ tree
# NOTE: be careful NOT to leave empty lines in your assets.external files
echo "<thesis> -------------------------------"
echo "<thesis> Getting external assets"
echo "<thesis> -------------------------------"
# summary of operations in this if-clause:
# trawl the assets/ subdirectories looking for a file "external.assets", if found,
# read its contents line-by-line (each line is a path) and copy that file at that path to the current assets/ subdir
# note that we only look for assets.external inside the subdirectories, and not in assets/ itself
assetsubdirectories="$(find /media/bay/taha/chepec/thesis/assets/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)"
# loop through $assetdirs, and look for the file external.assets in each path
for assetdir in $assetsubdirectories; do
if [ -e ${assetdir}/${assetfilename} ]; then
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10929453/read-a-file-line-by-line-assigning-the-value-to-a-variable
# $assets is the current assets.external file
while IFS='' read -r asset || [[ -n "$asset" ]]; do
echo "$asset"
# copy this filepath into the current assets subdirectory
cp --preserve=timestamps $asset $assetdir
done < "$assets"
# find all files named "assets.external" in the assets/ tree
assetsexternalfiles=$(find "$path_wd/assets/" -type f -name "assets.external")
for externalfilepath in $assetsexternalfiles; do
# this weird-looking while-loop reads the assets.external file line-by-line and copies each asset into the target path inside the thesis' assets/ tree
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10929453/read-a-file-line-by-line-assigning-the-value-to-a-variable
while IFS='' read -r asset || [[ -n "$asset" ]]; do
assetpathtarget=$(dirname "$externalfilepath")
echo "Copying $asset to $assetpathtarget"
# cp but don't overwwrite existing files
cp --preserve=timestamps --no-clobber $asset $assetpathtarget
done < "$externalfilepath"
# Create low-res photos on-the-fly from existing photos/
@ -157,15 +155,15 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
# rsync can't do that. We need to use a different tool. See e.g.
# https://superuser.com/questions/260092/rsync-switch-to-only-compare-timestamps
# copy only the "large" photos that have file modtimes more recent than the last time this operation was run
if [ ! -f "$photoslastrun" ]; then
# if, for some reason, the lastrun file does not exist
# copy over everything and then create the file
rsync -av /media/bay/taha/chepec/thesis/assets/photos/* /media/bay/taha/chepec/thesis/assets/photos/.lowres/ --exclude /media/bay/taha/chepec/thesis/assets/photos/.lowres/
rsync -av "$path_wd/assets/photos/*" "$path_wd/assets/photos/.lowres/" --exclude "$path_wd/assets/photos/.lowres/"
touch "$photoslastrun"
# cd and use --parents arg to preserve directory structure in .lowres target
cd /media/bay/taha/chepec/thesis/assets/photos
cd "$path_wd/assets/photos"
newphotos="$(find . -type f -cnewer $photoslastrun ! -path './.lowres/*')"
if [ -n "$newphotos" ]; then
for newphoto in $newphotos; do
@ -175,7 +173,7 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
# revert the effects of cd above. Redirect to null suppresses the output.
cd - >/dev/null
# in the low-res tree, find any photo larger than specific size (500kB)
largephotos="$(find /media/bay/taha/chepec/thesis/assets/photos/.lowres/ -size +500k)"
largephotos="$(find $path_wd/assets/photos/.lowres/ -size +500k)"
for largephotofilename in $largephotos; do
# for the next statement to work reliably, we should probably convert other formats to JPEG
# detect file extension, and based on it, convert to jpg using mogrify
@ -299,8 +297,8 @@ else
# exit 1
# fi
# # There is exactly one *.Rnw file is current directory
# # Fetch the jobname from the .Rnw filename by stripping off the file extension
## There is exactly one *.Rnw file is current directory
## Fetch the jobname from the .Rnw filename by stripping off the file extension
# Rnwfilename=$(ls -1 $Rnwfiles)
# jobname=${Rnwfilename%.*}
@ -407,9 +405,7 @@ runtime=$(( $endtime - $starttime ))
# send push message via Gotify CLI
# if runtime is longer than X minutes (suitable limit perhaps 3 min)
if (( $runtime > 180 )); then
# cwd is the current directory (basename)
cwd=$(basename $PWD)
gotify push --quiet --title "$cwd" --priority 5 "chertex.sh $@ \nCompleted in $runtime s"
gotify push --quiet --title "$dir_wd" --priority 5 "chertex.sh $@ \nCompleted in $runtime s"
echo "-------------------------------------"
