Latest change: addition of generic Xtable handler functions
(GenericXtableSetAttributes(), TabularXtableHeader(), and the longtable
version of that one, which is LongtableXtableHeader()).
Latest change: addition of generic Xtable handler functions
(GenericXtableSetAttributes(), TabularXtableHeader(), and the longtable
version of that one, which is LongtableXtableHeader()).
... a simple function for capitalizing the first letter of a string.
It should work well in conjunction with numbers2words() at the beginning
of sentences.
override = TRUE, and run > 1. Previously only the latest run was actually saved,
although the created list had the right length.
Works correctly and as intended now, as far as I can tell.
No changes in input or output of this function, only of the internal
mechanism with which tags are chosen and formatted for output.
init.R contains the sourceDir() function which is necessary for sourcing
all .R files in a directory.
To make it able to include parameters as well as data in the returned df.
muxd2df() now works satisfactorily, outputs parameters such as steptime,
theta, and cps as well as thth and counts.
Other minor changes mostly updates of source file pointers.
The idea is to better expose each function, since some functions tended
to drown in the larger files.
Note that dependecies are are not resolved yet.
Many functions are probably broken right now, especially those who point
to common.R.
Renamed because the technique I have used so far is regular amperometry,
not chronoamperometry. Whatever the distinction is, I am not really sure.
Anyway, this function corresponds to the amperometry2df() function for CHI760.
This way, it should be more clear which is the dynamic counter, and which
is the static counter.
Also removed factor() around the dynamic step counter.
There was an error in amperometry2df(), whereby the timediff calculated
was way too low. Was possibly related to the It2charge() function
used to calculate those values. That function (in common.R) is no longer
used by amperometry2df().
Also updated amperometry2df() so it now includes the data attributes
in the return dataframe itself, as columns (compare cv2df()).
common.R: do not use the It2charge() function in the future.
Do such calculations inline instead.
Be advised: This change will break all old reports that used the cv2df() function.
Experimental information (potential limits, scanspeeds, etc.) are now added to the
return dataframe as columns instead of attributes.
With this information built-in to the dataframe, analysis is simplified using melt
and cast and other grouping functions.
Using a combination of format() and gsub().
The purpose is to simplify looping through many datafiles
in a single report using for-loops.
A way was needed to "convert" the for-loop's counting variable
into a string of set length padded with zeroes.
This function fills that need.
Note: There should be a possibility to supply (as an argument to
Raman2df()) a custom sampleid which should then override the regexp-
based algorithm (only if that argument was supplied).