Major update to cv2df(). Removed df attributes, built-into df instead.

Be advised: This change will break all old reports that used the cv2df() function.
Experimental information (potential limits, scanspeeds, etc.) are now added to the
return dataframe as columns instead of attributes.
With this information built-in to the dataframe, analysis is simplified using melt
and cast and other grouping functions.
Taha Ahmed 13 years ago
parent 2c48474584
commit 2790047c3a


@ -369,44 +369,53 @@ cv2df <- function(datafilename, wearea = 1) {
for (s in 1:length(starts)) {
zz <- textConnection(chifile[starts[s]:ends[s]], "r")
ff <- rbind(ff,
data.frame(sampleid, segment = factor(s), cycle = factor(ceiling(s/2)),
data.frame(sampleid, segment = s, cycle = as.integer(ceiling(s/2)),
matrix(scan(zz, what = numeric(), sep = ","),
ncol = 3, byrow = T)))
# Column names after initial assignment
names(ff) <- c("sampleid", "segment", "cycle", "potential", "current", "charge")
# Calculate current density
currentdensity <- ff$current / wearea
ff <- cbind(ff[, 1:5], currentdensity = currentdensity, charge = ff[, 6])
### Collect attributes of this experiment
# These attributes are specific for each kind of experiment,
# be careful when adapting to other electrochemical data
rgxp.attr <- c("^Init\\sE\\s\\(V\\)",
names.attr <- c("InitE",
for (n in 1:length(rgxp.attr)) {
attrow.idx <- regexpr(rgxp.attr[n], chifile)
attrow.len <- attr(attrow.idx, "match.length")
attr(attrow.idx, "match.length") <- NULL
attr(ff, names.attr[n]) <- strsplit(chifile[which(attrow.idx == 1)],
## Collect attributes of this experiment
# InitE (volt)
position.InitE <- regexpr("^Init\\sE\\s\\(V\\)", chifile)
InitE <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.InitE == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$InitE <- InitE
# HighE (volt)
position.HighE <- regexpr("^High\\sE\\s\\(V\\)", chifile)
HighE <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.HighE == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$HighE <- HighE
# LowE (volt)
position.LowE <- regexpr("^Low\\sE\\s\\(V\\)", chifile)
LowE <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.LowE == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$LowE <- LowE
# InitPN (positive or negative)
position.InitPN <- regexpr("^Init\\sP/N", chifile)
InitPN <- strsplit(chifile[which(position.InitPN == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2]
ff$InitPN <- InitPN
# ScanRate (volt per second)
position.ScanRate <- regexpr("^Scan\\sRate\\s\\(V/s\\)", chifile)
ScanRate <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.ScanRate == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$ScanRate <- ScanRate
# Segments, number of
position.Segment <- regexpr("^Segment\\s=", chifile)
Segment <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.Segment == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$Segment <- Segment
# SampleInterval (volt)
position.SampleInterval <- regexpr("^Sample\\sInterval\\s\\(V\\)", chifile)
SampleInterval <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.SampleInterval == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$SampleInterval <- SampleInterval
# Quiet time (seconds)
position.QuietTime <- regexpr("^Quiet\\sTime\\s\\(sec\\)", chifile)
QuietTime <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.QuietTime == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$QuietTime <- QuietTime
# Sensitivity (ampere per volt)
position.Sensitivity <- regexpr("^Sensitivity\\s\\(A/V\\)", chifile)
Sensitivity <- as.numeric(strsplit(chifile[which(position.Sensitivity == 1)], "\\s=\\s")[[1]][2])
ff$Sensitivity <- Sensitivity
