Lots of changes, apparently ... Note previous commit missed files.

Latest change: addition of generic Xtable handler functions
    (GenericXtableSetAttributes(), TabularXtableHeader(), and the longtable
    version of that one, which is LongtableXtableHeader()).
Taha Ahmed 10 years ago
parent a67ce80e2b
commit e2d0d21236

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Both \Rfun{ConvertRefPotEC()} and \Rfun{ConvertRefPot()} \emph{need} to be rewritten to allow for different concentrations of each reference electrode!

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Both \Rfun{ConvertRefPotEC()} and \Rfun{ConvertRefPot()} \emph{need} to be rewritten to allow for different concentrations of each reference electrode!

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
GenericXtableSetAttributes <- function(xtobject,
nxtnames = NULL,
nxtdigits = NULL,
nxtdisplay = NULL,
nxtalign = NULL,
caption = "nxtcaption",
label = "tab:nxtlabel") {
#' @title Set the attributes for a generic xtable
#' @description
#' Sets attributes for the passed xtable object
#' @details
#' Sets names, digits, display, and align for the passed xtable object
#' @param xtobject the xtable(table)
#' @param nxtnames vector of names (column names)
#' @param nxtdigits vector of digits (0 if column is non-numeric, numeric of desired number of digits otherwise)
#' @param nxtdisplay vector of display format [see formatC(format=...)]
#' @param nxtalign vector of LaTeX align (e.g., "l", "c", "r", "S[table-format=1.1]", ...)
#' @examples
#' GenericXtableSetAttributes(xtable(yourtable), nxtdigits = c(0, 2, 2, 4))
#' @author Taha Ahmed <taha@@chepec.se>
#' @return xtable
# remember to put all names inside "{}" if you use siunitx
if (!is.null(nxtnames)) {names(xtobject) <- nxtnames}
# the prepended column due to "row.names"
if (!is.null(nxtdigits)) {digits(xtobject) <- c(0, nxtdigits)}
if (!is.null(nxtdisplay)) {display(xtobject) <- c("s", nxtdisplay)}
if (!is.null(nxtalign)) {align(xtobject) <- c("l", nxtalign)}
caption(xtobject) <- caption
label(xtobject) <- label
return (xtobject)

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
LongtableXtableHeader <- function(xtobject, caption.text, caption.label) {
# this function uses the \booktabs package
# should NOT be used together with booktabs = TRUE
ltxt.header <-
paste(paste("\\caption{", caption.text, "}", sep = "", collapse = ""),
paste("\\label{", caption.label, "}\\\\ ", sep = "", collapse = ""),
"\\toprule ",
attr(xtobject, "names")[1],
paste(" &", attr(xtobject, "names")[2:length(attr(xtobject, "names"))], collapse = ""),
"\\\\\\midrule ",
"\\endfirsthead ",
"}{c}{{\\tablename\\ \\thetable{} -- continued from previous page}}\\\\ ",
sep = ""),
"\\toprule ",
attr(xtobject, "names")[1],
paste("&", attr(xtobject, "names")[2:length(attr(xtobject, "names"))], collapse = ""),
"\\\\\\midrule ",
"\\endhead ",
"\\midrule ",
"}{r}{{Continued on next page}}\\\\ ",
sep = "", collapse = ""),
"\\bottomrule \\endfoot ",
"\\bottomrule \\endlastfoot ",
collapse = "")

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
TabularXtableHeader <- function(xtobject, names.custom = NULL) {
# use names.custom to make more complicated headers, e.g. multiple-row
# should be used together with booktabs = TRUE
if (is.null(names.custom)) {
txt.header <-
paste(attr(xtobject, "names")[1],
paste(" &", attr(xtobject, "names")[2:length(attr(xtobject, "names"))], collapse = ""),
} else {
txt.header <- names.custom

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#################### eV2nm #######################
eV2nm <- function(eV) {
# Converts energy in eV to wavelength in nm
# Define some constants needed for the calculations
Plancks.constant <- 4.135667516E-15 # \electron\volt\per\second
speed.of.light <- 299792458 # \meter\per\second
nm <- Plancks.constant * 1E9 * speed.of.light / eV

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#################### nm2eV #######################
nm2eV <- function(nm) {
# Converts wavelength in nm to energy in eV
# Define some constants needed for the calculations
Plancks.constant <- 4.135667516E-15 # \electron\volt\per\second
speed.of.light <- 299792458 # \meter\per\second
eV <- Plancks.constant * 1E9 * speed.of.light / nm

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
thth2d <- function(thth, wavelength = 1.540562) {
# This function applies Bragg's law to calculate d-spacings from thth (n = 1)
# Wavelengths:
# Ag-Ka1 wavelength=0.5594075
# Ag-Ka2 wavelength=0.563798
# Ag-Kb1 wavelength=0.497069
# Ag-Kb2 wavelength=0.497685
# Co-Ka1 wavelength=1.788965
# Co-Ka2 wavelength=1.792850
# Co-Kb1 wavelength=1.620790
# Cr-Ka1 wavelength=2.289700
# Cr-Ka2 wavelength=2.293606
# Cr-Kb1 wavelength=2.084870
# Cu-Ka1 wavelength=1.540562
# Cu-Ka2 wavelength=1.544398
# Cu-Kb1 wavelength=1.392218
# Fe-Ka1 wavelength=1.936042
# Fe-Ka2 wavelength=1.939980
# Fe-Kb1 wavelength=1.756610
# Ge-Ka1 wavelength=1.254054
# Ge-Ka2 wavelength=1.258011
# Ge-Kb1 wavelength=1.057300
# Ge-Kb2 wavelength=1.057830
# Mo-Ka1 wavelength=0.709300
# Mo-Ka2 wavelength=0.713590
# Mo-Kb1 wavelength=0.632288
# Mo-Kb2 wavelength=0.632860
# Ni-Ka1 wavelength=1.657910
# Ni-Ka2 wavelength=1.661747
# Ni-Kb1 wavelength=1.500135
# Zn-Ka1 wavelength=1.435155
# Zn-Ka2 wavelength=1.439000
# Zn-Kb1 wavelength=1.295250
# Usage:
# thth : vector with thth values in degrees
# wavelength : radiation wavelength in Ångström
return (wavelength / (2 * sin(as.radians(thth))))

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
############# trapz #################
trapz <- function(x, y) {
## Description:
## Performs a trapezoidal integration (approximate numerical integration
## of the area under the curve defined by the x and y coordinate pairs.
## See Wikipedia for more info on trapezoidal integration.
## Usage:
## trapz(x, y)
## Arguments:
## x: vector (of length n)
## y: vector (of length n)
## Return value:
## vector of length (n - 1)
idx <- 2:length(x)
return (as.double((x[idx] - x[idx - 1]) * (y[idx] + y[idx - 1])) / 2)