@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ numbers2words <- function(x, billion = c("US", "UK"), and = if (billion == "US")
opts <- options(scipen = 100)
ones <- c("zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine")
teens <- c("ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", " seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")
teens <- c("ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")
names(ones) <- names(teens) <- 0:9
tens <- c("twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety")
names(tens) <- 2:9
@ -113,3 +113,61 @@ numbers2words <- function(x, billion = c("US", "UK"), and = if (billion == "US")
x <- round(x)
if (length(x) > 1) sapply(x, helper) else helper(x)
#' numbers2swedish
#' Converts a number into its corresponding words in Swedish
#' This is my own adaptation of numbers2words()
#' I think an even neater solution would be to have an argument
#' numbers2words(lang = "swe"), but that would require more coding
#' Cannot return proper grammar: "en miljon" and "ett tusen", or
#' "en miljon" and "två miljoner", and so on.
#' @param x number
#' @return string
#' @export
numbers2swedish <- function(x) {
and <- ""
trim <- function(text) {
gsub("(^\ *)|((\ *|-|,\ noll|-noll)$)", "", text)
makeNumber <- function(x) as.numeric(paste(x, collapse = ""))
makeDigits <- function(x) strsplit(as.character(x), "")[[1]]
helper <- function(x) {
negative <- x < 0
x <- abs(x)
digits <- makeDigits(x)
nDigits <- length(digits)
result <- if (nDigits == 1) as.vector(ones[digits])
else if (nDigits == 2)
if (x <= 19) as.vector(teens[digits[2]])
else trim(paste(tens[digits[1]], "-", ones[digits[2]], sep=""))
else if (nDigits == 3) {
tail <- makeNumber(digits[2:3])
if (tail == 0) paste(ones[digits[1]], "hundra")
else trim(paste(ones[digits[1]], trim(paste("hundra", and)),
} else {
nSuffix <- ((nDigits + 2) %/% 3) - 1
if (nSuffix > length(suffixes) || nDigits > 15)
stop(paste(x, "is too large!"))
pick <- 1:(nDigits - 3 * nSuffix)
trim(paste(helper(makeNumber(digits[pick])), suffixes[nSuffix], helper(makeNumber(digits[-pick]))))
if (negative) paste("minus", result) else result
opts <- options(scipen = 100)
ones <- c("noll", "ett", "tv\U00E5", "tre", "fyra", "fem", "sex", "sju", "\U00E5tta", "nio")
teens <- c("tio", "elva", "tolv", "tretton", "fjorton", "femton", "sexton", "sjutton", "arton", "nitton")
names(ones) <- names(teens) <- 0:9
tens <- c("tjugo", "trettio", "fyrtio", "femtio", "sextio", "sjuttio", "\U00E5ttio", "nittio")
names(tens) <- 2:9
# https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namn_p%C3%A5_stora_tal
suffixes <- c("tusen,", "miljoner,", "miljarder,", "biljoner,")
x <- round(x)
if (length(x) > 1) sapply(x, helper) else helper(x)