Renamed the repo and moved the RGB/CMYK sty files to their own as

suggested in this issue:

+ updated paths in README to reflect new remote repo etc.
Taha Ahmed 1 year ago
parent facfcdadf7
commit d331ad27b8

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
## How to use this LaTeX class
Clone this repo into your `TEXMF_LOCAL` directory (I suggest `/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/local`).
Clone this repo into your `TEXMF_LOCAL` directory (on Debian/Ubuntu, that is
usually `/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/`):
$ cd /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex
$ git clone local
$ git clone
Note: if you placed this repo in your TeXMF tree, you may want to remove the included `examples/` directory before
refreshing `texhash` or similar, and then you should be set.
Don't forget to run `texhash`, and you should be all set.
## The LuaLaTeX UU thesis class
@ -43,34 +42,10 @@ I have made some slight alterations to this class compared to the original UU cl
Compile your document with `xelatex`.
## UU colour profiles (CMYK and RGB)
The CMYK and RGB colour definitions are entirely based on the [Uppsala university graphical
profile]( from around 2014. They are probably outdated now.
They simply use `xcolor` commands to define a bunch of colour names.
If you want to use any of these colour names in your document, load the package in your document preamble (choose CMYK or RGB colourspace depending on how your document will be printed).
Please note that both `uuprintcolor*` packages depend on the `xcolor` package.
## Notes and references
> Note to self: your [Ansible luxor playbook]( depends on this repo.
> This repo lives on luxor at `/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/local/`.
+ [LaTeX hack: Adding a custom .cls to your search
+ [LaTeX hack: Adding a custom .cls to your search path](
+ [How to have a local package override default package](
+ [How do I add a .sty file to my MacTeX/TeXShop
+ [How do I add a .sty file to my MacTeX/TeXShop installation?](
+ [Undefined control sequence error for LuaLaTeX, TeX.SE](
+ [Avhandlingsstöd Uppsala universitet, XeLaTeX mall](

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
\setbeamercolor{author in head/foot}{fg=uublack, bg=blondsvag} %footer area
\setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=black, bg=white} %sets bg of poster itself
\setbeamercolor*{block body}{fg=black, bg=white}
\setbeamercolor*{block title}{fg=white, bg=uublack}
\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\large,series=\bf}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % no navigation on a poster
\usebeamercolor{title in headline}{\color{fg}\textbf{\Huge{\inserttitle}}}
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{lower separation line head}
\setbeamertemplate{block begin}{
\begin{beamercolorbox}[rounded=true,shadow=true,leftskip=1cm,colsep*=.75ex]{block title}%
\usebeamerfont*{block title}\insertblocktitle
{\ifbeamercolorempty[bg]{block body}{}{\nointerlineskip\vskip-0.5pt}}%
\usebeamerfont{block body}%
\begin{beamercolorbox}[rounded=true,shadow=true,colsep*=.75ex,sep=.75ex,vmode]{block body}%
\ifbeamercolorempty[bg]{block body}{\vskip-.25ex}{\vskip-.75ex}\vbox{}%
\setbeamertemplate{block end}{
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{upper separation line foot}
\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=4ex,leftskip=1cm,rightskip=1cm]{author in head/foot}%
This poster was generated with \LaTeX{} and the beamerposter package using the CMYK colour model
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{lower separation line foot}
\title{Uppsala universitets dekor- och kombinationsf\"{a}rger f\"{o}r tryck}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
\tikzstyle{BigSquare} = [rectangle, minimum width=8cm, minimum height=8cm, inner sep=0, outer sep=0]
\node [name=UURED, BigSquare, draw=uured, fill=uured] at (0,0) {};
\node [name=UUBLACK, BigSquare, draw=uublack, fill=uublack, right=of UURED] {};
\node [name=UUGRAY, BigSquare, draw=uugray, fill=uugray, right=of UUBLACK] {};
\node [name=UUGRAYLIGHT, BigSquare, draw=uugraylight, fill=uugraylight, right=of UUGRAY] {};
\node [name=WHITE, BigSquare, draw=white, fill=white, right=of UUGRAYLIGHT] {};
\node [name=uuredlabel, anchor=north] at (UURED.south) {\uuredcmyk};
\node [name=uublacklabel, anchor=north] at (UUBLACK.south) {\uublackcmyk};
\node [name=uugraylabel, anchor=north] at (UUGRAY.south) {\uugraycmyk};
\node [name=uugraylightlabel, anchor=north] at (UUGRAYLIGHT.south) {\uugraylightcmyk};
\node [name=whitelabel, anchor=north] at (WHITE.south) {\whitecmyk};
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm]
\tikzstyle{ColorSquare} = [rectangle, minimum width=6cm, minimum height=6cm, inner sep=0, outer sep=0]
\tikzstyle{ColorLabel} = [inner sep=0, yshift=-0.3cm, font=\footnotesize]
\node [name=mullstark, ColorSquare, draw=mullstark, fill=mullstark] at (0,0) {};
\node [name=mullmellan, ColorSquare, draw=mullmellan, fill=mullmellan, right=of mullstark] {};
\node [name=mullsvag, ColorSquare, draw=mullsvag, fill=mullsvag, right=of mullmellan] {};
\node [name=mullstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (mullstark.south west) {\mullstarkcmyk};
\node [name=mullmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (mullmellan.south west) {\mullmellancmyk};
\node [name=mullsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (mullsvag.south west) {\mullsvagcmyk};
\node [name=sandstark, ColorSquare, draw=sandstark, fill=sandstark, below=of mullstark] {};
\node [name=sandmellan, ColorSquare, draw=sandmellan, fill=sandmellan, right=of sandstark] {};
\node [name=sandsvag, ColorSquare, draw=sandsvag, fill=sandsvag, right=of sandmellan] {};
\node [name=sandstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (sandstark.south west) {\sandstarkcmyk};
\node [name=sandmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (sandmellan.south west) {\sandmellancmyk};
\node [name=sandsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (sandsvag.south west) {\sandsvagcmyk};
\node [name=blondstark, ColorSquare, draw=blondstark, fill=blondstark, below=of sandstark] {};
\node [name=blondmellan, ColorSquare, draw=blondmellan, fill=blondmellan, right=of blondstark] {};
\node [name=blondsvag, ColorSquare, draw=blondsvag, fill=blondsvag, right=of blondmellan] {};
\node [name=blondstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (blondstark.south west) {\blondstarkcmyk};
\node [name=blondmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (blondmellan.south west) {\blondmellancmyk};
\node [name=blondsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (blondsvag.south west) {\blondsvagcmyk};
\node [name=skuggastark, ColorSquare, draw=skuggastark, fill=skuggastark, below=of blondstark] {};
\node [name=skuggamellan, ColorSquare, draw=skuggamellan, fill=skuggamellan, right=of skuggastark] {};
\node [name=skuggasvag, ColorSquare, draw=skuggasvag, fill=skuggasvag, right=of skuggamellan] {};
\node [name=skuggastarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skuggastark.south west) {\skuggastarkcmyk};
\node [name=skuggamellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skuggamellan.south west) {\skuggamellancmyk};
\node [name=skuggasvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skuggasvag.south west) {\skuggasvagcmyk};
\node [name=skymningstark, ColorSquare, draw=skymningstark, fill=skymningstark, below=of skuggastark] {};
\node [name=skymningmellan, ColorSquare, draw=skymningmellan, fill=skymningmellan, right=of skymningstark] {};
\node [name=skymningsvag, ColorSquare, draw=skymningsvag, fill=skymningsvag, right=of skymningmellan] {};
\node [name=skymningstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skymningstark.south west) {\skymningstarkcmyk};
\node [name=skymningmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skymningmellan.south west) {\skymningmellancmyk};
\node [name=skymningsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skymningsvag.south west) {\skymningsvagcmyk};
\node [name=gryningstark, ColorSquare, draw=gryningstark, fill=gryningstark, below=of skymningstark] {};
\node [name=gryningmellan, ColorSquare, draw=gryningmellan, fill=gryningmellan, right=of gryningstark] {};
\node [name=gryningsvag, ColorSquare, draw=gryningsvag, fill=gryningsvag, right=of gryningmellan] {};
\node [name=gryningstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gryningstark.south west) {\gryningstarkcmyk};
\node [name=gryningmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gryningmellan.south west) {\gryningmellancmyk};
\node [name=gryningsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gryningsvag.south west) {\gryningsvagcmyk};
\node [name=gronskastark, ColorSquare, draw=gronskastark, fill=gronskastark, below=of gryningstark] {};
\node [name=gronskamellan, ColorSquare, draw=gronskamellan, fill=gronskamellan, right=of gronskastark] {};
\node [name=gronskasvag, ColorSquare, draw=gronskasvag, fill=gronskasvag, right=of gronskamellan] {};
\node [name=gronskastarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gronskastark.south west) {\gronskastarkcmyk};
\node [name=gronskamellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gronskamellan.south west) {\gronskamellancmyk};
\node [name=gronskasvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gronskasvag.south west) {\gronskasvagcmyk};
\node [name=skirstark, ColorSquare, draw=skirstark, fill=skirstark, below=of gronskastark] {};
\node [name=skirmellan, ColorSquare, draw=skirmellan, fill=skirmellan, right=of skirstark] {};
\node [name=skirsvag, ColorSquare, draw=skirsvag, fill=skirsvag, right=of skirmellan] {};
\node [name=skirstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skirstark.south west) {\skirstarkcmyk};
\node [name=skirmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skirmellan.south west) {\skirmellancmyk};
\node [name=skirsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skirsvag.south west) {\skirsvagcmyk};
\node [name=labelstark, anchor=south west] at (mullstark.north west) {STARK};
\node [name=labelmellan, anchor=south west] at (mullmellan.north west) {MELLAN};
\node [name=labelsvag, anchor=south west] at (mullsvag.north west) {SVAG};
\node [name=labelmull, anchor=north west] at (mullsvag.north east) {MULL};
\node [name=labelsand, anchor=north west] at (sandsvag.north east) {SAND};
\node [name=labelblond, anchor=north west] at (blondsvag.north east) {BLOND};
\node [name=labelskugga, anchor=north west] at (skuggasvag.north east) {SKUGGA};
\node [name=labelskymning, anchor=north west] at (skymningsvag.north east) {SKYMNING};
\node [name=labelgryning, anchor=north west] at (gryningsvag.north east) {GRYNING};
\node [name=labelgronska, anchor=north west] at (gronskasvag.north east) {GRÖNSKA};
\node [name=labelskir, anchor=north west] at (skirsvag.north east) {SKIR};

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
\setbeamercolor{author in head/foot}{fg=uublack, bg=blondsvag} %footer area
\setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=black, bg=white} %sets bg of poster itself
\setbeamercolor*{block body}{fg=black, bg=white}
\setbeamercolor*{block title}{fg=white, bg=uublack}
\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\large,series=\bf}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % no navigation on a poster
\usebeamercolor{title in headline}{\color{fg}\textbf{\Huge{\inserttitle}}}
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{lower separation line head}
\setbeamertemplate{block begin}{
\begin{beamercolorbox}[rounded=true,shadow=true,leftskip=1cm,colsep*=.75ex]{block title}%
\usebeamerfont*{block title}\insertblocktitle
{\ifbeamercolorempty[bg]{block body}{}{\nointerlineskip\vskip-0.5pt}}%
\usebeamerfont{block body}%
\begin{beamercolorbox}[rounded=true,shadow=true,colsep*=.75ex,sep=.75ex,vmode]{block body}%
\ifbeamercolorempty[bg]{block body}{\vskip-.25ex}{\vskip-.75ex}\vbox{}%
\setbeamertemplate{block end}{
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{upper separation line foot}
\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=4ex,leftskip=1cm,rightskip=1cm]{author in head/foot}%
This poster was generated with \LaTeX{} and the beamerposter package using the RGB colour model
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{lower separation line foot}
\title{Uppsala universitets dekor- och kombinationsf\"{a}rger f\"{o}r tryck}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
\tikzstyle{BigSquare} = [rectangle, minimum width=8cm, minimum height=8cm, inner sep=0, outer sep=0]
\node [name=UURED, BigSquare, draw=uured, fill=uured] at (0,0) {};
\node [name=UUBLACK, BigSquare, draw=uublack, fill=uublack, right=of UURED] {};
\node [name=UUGRAY, BigSquare, draw=uugray, fill=uugray, right=of UUBLACK] {};
\node [name=UUGRAYLIGHT, BigSquare, draw=uugraylight, fill=uugraylight, right=of UUGRAY] {};
\node [name=WHITE, BigSquare, draw=white, fill=white, right=of UUGRAYLIGHT] {};
\node [name=uuredlabel, anchor=north] at (UURED.south) {RGB \uuredrgb};
\node [name=uublacklabel, anchor=north] at (UUBLACK.south) {RGB \uublackrgb};
\node [name=uugraylabel, anchor=north] at (UUGRAY.south) {RGB \uugrayrgb};
\node [name=uugraylightlabel, anchor=north] at (UUGRAYLIGHT.south) {RGB \uugraylightrgb};
\node [name=whitelabel, anchor=north] at (WHITE.south) {RGB \whitergb};
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm]
\tikzstyle{ColorSquare} = [rectangle, minimum width=6cm, minimum height=6cm, inner sep=0, outer sep=0]
\tikzstyle{ColorLabel} = [inner sep=0, yshift=-0.3cm, font=\footnotesize]
\node [name=mullstark, ColorSquare, draw=mullstark, fill=mullstark] at (0,0) {};
\node [name=mullmellan, ColorSquare, draw=mullmellan, fill=mullmellan, right=of mullstark] {};
\node [name=mullsvag, ColorSquare, draw=mullsvag, fill=mullsvag, right=of mullmellan] {};
\node [name=mullstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (mullstark.south west) {RGB \mullstarkrgb};
\node [name=mullmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (mullmellan.south west) {RGB \mullmellanrgb};
\node [name=mullsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (mullsvag.south west) {RGB \mullsvagrgb};
\node [name=sandstark, ColorSquare, draw=sandstark, fill=sandstark, below=of mullstark] {};
\node [name=sandmellan, ColorSquare, draw=sandmellan, fill=sandmellan, right=of sandstark] {};
\node [name=sandsvag, ColorSquare, draw=sandsvag, fill=sandsvag, right=of sandmellan] {};
\node [name=sandstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (sandstark.south west) {RGB \sandstarkrgb};
\node [name=sandmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (sandmellan.south west) {RGB \sandmellanrgb};
\node [name=sandsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (sandsvag.south west) {RGB \sandsvagrgb};
\node [name=blondstark, ColorSquare, draw=blondstark, fill=blondstark, below=of sandstark] {};
\node [name=blondmellan, ColorSquare, draw=blondmellan, fill=blondmellan, right=of blondstark] {};
\node [name=blondsvag, ColorSquare, draw=blondsvag, fill=blondsvag, right=of blondmellan] {};
\node [name=blondstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (blondstark.south west) {RGB \blondstarkrgb};
\node [name=blondmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (blondmellan.south west) {RGB \blondmellanrgb};
\node [name=blondsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (blondsvag.south west) {RGB \blondsvagrgb};
\node [name=skuggastark, ColorSquare, draw=skuggastark, fill=skuggastark, below=of blondstark] {};
\node [name=skuggamellan, ColorSquare, draw=skuggamellan, fill=skuggamellan, right=of skuggastark] {};
\node [name=skuggasvag, ColorSquare, draw=skuggasvag, fill=skuggasvag, right=of skuggamellan] {};
\node [name=skuggastarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skuggastark.south west) {RGB \skuggastarkrgb};
\node [name=skuggamellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skuggamellan.south west) {RGB \skuggamellanrgb};
\node [name=skuggasvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skuggasvag.south west) {RGB \skuggasvagrgb};
\node [name=skymningstark, ColorSquare, draw=skymningstark, fill=skymningstark, below=of skuggastark] {};
\node [name=skymningmellan, ColorSquare, draw=skymningmellan, fill=skymningmellan, right=of skymningstark] {};
\node [name=skymningsvag, ColorSquare, draw=skymningsvag, fill=skymningsvag, right=of skymningmellan] {};
\node [name=skymningstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skymningstark.south west) {RGB \skymningstarkrgb};
\node [name=skymningmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skymningmellan.south west) {RGB \skymningmellanrgb};
\node [name=skymningsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skymningsvag.south west) {RGB \skymningsvagrgb};
\node [name=gryningstark, ColorSquare, draw=gryningstark, fill=gryningstark, below=of skymningstark] {};
\node [name=gryningmellan, ColorSquare, draw=gryningmellan, fill=gryningmellan, right=of gryningstark] {};
\node [name=gryningsvag, ColorSquare, draw=gryningsvag, fill=gryningsvag, right=of gryningmellan] {};
\node [name=gryningstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gryningstark.south west) {RGB \gryningstarkrgb};
\node [name=gryningmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gryningmellan.south west) {RGB \gryningmellanrgb};
\node [name=gryningsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gryningsvag.south west) {RGB \gryningsvagrgb};
\node [name=gronskastark, ColorSquare, draw=gronskastark, fill=gronskastark, below=of gryningstark] {};
\node [name=gronskamellan, ColorSquare, draw=gronskamellan, fill=gronskamellan, right=of gronskastark] {};
\node [name=gronskasvag, ColorSquare, draw=gronskasvag, fill=gronskasvag, right=of gronskamellan] {};
\node [name=gronskastarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gronskastark.south west) {RGB \gronskastarkrgb};
\node [name=gronskamellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gronskamellan.south west) {RGB \gronskamellanrgb};
\node [name=gronskasvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (gronskasvag.south west) {RGB \gronskasvagrgb};
\node [name=skirstark, ColorSquare, draw=skirstark, fill=skirstark, below=of gronskastark] {};
\node [name=skirmellan, ColorSquare, draw=skirmellan, fill=skirmellan, right=of skirstark] {};
\node [name=skirsvag, ColorSquare, draw=skirsvag, fill=skirsvag, right=of skirmellan] {};
\node [name=skirstarklabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skirstark.south west) {RGB \skirstarkrgb};
\node [name=skirmellanlabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skirmellan.south west) {RGB \skirmellanrgb};
\node [name=skirsvaglabel, anchor=north west, ColorLabel] at (skirsvag.south west) {RGB \skirsvagrgb};
\node [name=labelstark, anchor=south west] at (mullstark.north west) {STARK};
\node [name=labelmellan, anchor=south west] at (mullmellan.north west) {MELLAN};
\node [name=labelsvag, anchor=south west] at (mullsvag.north west) {SVAG};
\node [name=labelmull, anchor=north west] at (mullsvag.north east) {MULL};
\node [name=labelsand, anchor=north west] at (sandsvag.north east) {SAND};
\node [name=labelblond, anchor=north west] at (blondsvag.north east) {BLOND};
\node [name=labelskugga, anchor=north west] at (skuggasvag.north east) {SKUGGA};
\node [name=labelskymning, anchor=north west] at (skymningsvag.north east) {SKYMNING};
\node [name=labelgryning, anchor=north west] at (gryningsvag.north east) {GRYNING};
\node [name=labelgronska, anchor=north west] at (gronskasvag.north east) {GRÖNSKA};
\node [name=labelskir, anchor=north west] at (skirsvag.north east) {SKIR};

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
% Uppsala universitets dekor- och kombinationsfärger för tryck
% For use with LaTeX (beamer)
% Compiled 2011 by Taha Ahmed, <taha.ahmed _at_>.

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
% Uppsala universitets dekor- och kombinationsfärger för tryck
% For use with LaTeX (beamer)
% Compiled 2011 by Taha Ahmed, <taha.ahmed _at_>.
\definecolor{uured}{RGB}{153 0 0}
\definecolor{uublack}{RGB}{128 128 128}
\definecolor{uugray}{RGB}{178 178 178}
\definecolor{uugraylight}{RGB}{230 230 230}
\definecolor{mullstark}{RGB}{211 166 145}
\definecolor{mullmellan}{RGB}{255 192 175}
\definecolor{mullsvag}{RGB}{238 219 209}
\definecolor{sandstark}{RGB}{234 194 164}
\definecolor{sandmellan}{RGB}{218 193 174}
\definecolor{sandsvag}{RGB}{245 229 216}
\definecolor{blondstark}{RGB}{246 221 178}
\definecolor{blondmellan}{RGB}{249 231 201}
\definecolor{blondsvag}{RGB}{252 241 225}
\definecolor{skuggastark}{RGB}{182 196 205}
\definecolor{skuggamellan}{RGB}{204 213 221}
\definecolor{skuggasvag}{RGB}{227 234 238}
\definecolor{skymningstark}{RGB}{173 177 199}
\definecolor{skymningmellan}{RGB}{198 200 215}
\definecolor{skymningsvag}{RGB}{222 222 231}
\definecolor{gryningstark}{RGB}{186 203 228}
\definecolor{gryningmellan}{RGB}{199 214 234}
\definecolor{gryningsvag}{RGB}{216 225 239}
\definecolor{gronskastark}{RGB}{156 193 175}
\definecolor{gronskamellan}{RGB}{185 211 198}
\definecolor{gronskasvag}{RGB}{215 230 222}
\definecolor{skirstark}{RGB}{215 227 207}
\definecolor{skirmellan}{RGB}{221 231 216}
\definecolor{skirsvag}{RGB}{232 239 228}