Ok, no commits since a while. Last change was remake of init.R to improve readability.

Taha Ahmed 13 years ago
parent 70c39b9145
commit f0ed360c0d

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
## This function should be renamed to EMSA2df(). The file it reads is a so-called EMSA spectral data file.
# /TA, 111110
eds2df <- function(edstxtfile) {
## Description:
## Reads EDS textfile from INCA EDS.

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
#################### OO2df #######################
OO2df <- function(datafile) {
## Description:
## Usage:
## OO2df(datafile)
## Arguments:
## datafile: text string with full path to TXT file
## containing single or multiple data ranges
## Value:
## Dataframe with the following columns:
## $ sampleid : chr
## $ wavelength : num
## $ counts : num
## $
## $
## $
## $
## $
## $
## $
## $
## $
## $
## $ cps ?
# range.header.start.rexp <- "^; \\(Data for Range" #regexp
# range.header.end.rexp <- "^_2THETA[^=]" #regexp
range.data.start.rexp <- ">+Begin[\\s\\w]*<+"
range.data.end.rexp <- ">+End[\\s\\w]*<+"
# Read the input file
dfile <- file(datafile, "r")
# Note that readLines apparently completely skips empty lines.
# That causes line numbers to not match between source and f vector.
f <- readLines(dfile, n=-1) # read _all_ lines from data file
# Fetch a sampleid for the current job
sampleid <- ProvideSampleId(datafile)
# # Look for header start rows
# range.header.start.rows <- which(regexpr(range.header.start.rexp, f) == 1)
# # Look for header end rows
# range.header.end.rows <- which(regexpr(range.header.end.rexp, f) == 1)
# Look for data start marker line
range.data.start.rows <- which(regexpr(range.data.start.rexp, f, perl = TRUE) == 1) + 1
# Look for data end marker line
range.data.end.rows <- which(regexpr(range.data.end.rexp, f, perl = TRUE) == 1) - 1
# Calculate number of ranges
ranges.total <-
ifelse(length(range.data.start.rows) == length(range.data.end.rows),
NA) #why would they not be equal?
if (is.na(ranges.total)) {
# Obviously something bad happened.
# Do something about it. echo an error message perhaps.
# But why would they not be equal?
# Header always precedes start of data
range.header.end.rows <- range.data.start.rows - 2
if (ranges.total > 1) {
range.header.start.rows <- c(1, range.data.end.rows[2:length(range.data.end.rows)])
} else {
# Data in fact only contains one range
range.header.start.rows <- 1
# Extract headers (as-is) and put them in a list (by range)
headers.raw <- list()
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
headers.raw[[range]] <- f[range.header.start.rows[range]:range.header.end.rows[range]]
# Extract data (as-is) and put it an list (by range)
data.raw <- list()
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
data.raw[[range]] <- f[range.data.start.rows[range]:range.data.end.rows[range]]
# Replace commas by dots
data.raw[[range]] <- gsub(",", "\\.", data.raw[[range]])
# Specify header parameters to include in dataframe
header.param.rexp <-
c(DateTime = "^Date:",
IntegrationTime = "^Integration Time \\(usec\\):",
n_Averaged = "^Spectra Averaged:",
Boxcar = "^Boxcar Smoothing:",
CorrElectricDark = "^Correct for Electrical Dark:",
StrobeLampEnabled = "^Strobe/Lamp Enabled:",
CorrDetectorNonLin = "^Correct for Detector Non-linearity:",
CorrStrayLight = "^Correct for Stray Light:",
n_Pixels = "^Number of Pixels")
# Collect data and header parameters in dataframes, by range in a list
data <- list()
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
zz <- textConnection(data.raw[[range]], "r")
data[[range]] <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
int2padstr(range, "0", 3),
matrix(scan(zz, what = character()), ncol = 2, byrow = T))
# Collect header parameters
for (param in 1:length(header.param.rexp)) {
data[[range]] <-
cbind(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# Matches any word, digit, plus, or minus character
# surrounded by parentheses at the end of the string
sub("\\s\\([\\w\\d\\+\\-]+\\)$", "",
headers.raw[[range]]) == 1)], ": ")[[1]][2],
perl = TRUE))
names(data[[range]]) <-
c("sampleid", "range", "wavelength", "intensity", names(header.param.rexp))
# Create a unified dataframe
data.df <- data[[1]]
if (ranges.total > 1) {
for (range in 2:ranges.total) {
data.df <- rbind(data.df, data[[range]])
# Convert the DateTime column to more legibly (and compact) format
data.df$DateTime <-
format(as.POSIXct(gsub("\\s[A-Z]{4}\\s", " ", data.df$Date),
format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"),
format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Convert wavelength and intensity to numeric format
mode(data.df$wavelength) <- "numeric"
mode(data.df$intensity) <- "numeric"

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# mraw2df #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#
mraw2df <- function(txtfile) {
## Description:
## Reads TXT files with one or multiple ranges (XRD commander "save as txt")
## Extracts both data (thth, intensity) and parameters
## Usage:
## mraw2df(txtfile)
## Arguments:
## txtfile: text string with full path to TXT file, which may
## containing single or multiple data ranges
## Value:
## Dataframe with the following columns:
## $ sampleid : chr
## $ thth : num
## $ counts (or cps) : num
## $ steptime : num
## $ stepsize : num
## $ theta : num
## $ khi : num
## $ phi : num
## $ x : num
## $ y : num
## $ z : num
## $ divergence : num
## $ antiscatter : num
## $ cps (or counts) : num
range.header.start.rexp <- "^; \\(Data for Range" #regexp
range.header.end.rexp <- "^_2THETA[^=]" #regexp
# Read the input multirange file
ufile <- file(uxdfile, "r")
# Note that readLines apparently completely skips empty lines.
# In that case line numbers do not match between source and f.
f <- readLines(ufile, n=-1) #read _all_ lines from UXD file
# Fetch a sampleid for the current job
sampleid <- ProvideSampleId(uxdfile)
# Look for header start rows
range.header.start.rows <- which(regexpr(range.header.start.rexp, f) == 1)
# Look for header end rows
range.header.end.rows <- which(regexpr(range.header.end.rexp, f) == 1)
# Calculate number of ranges
ranges.total <-
ifelse(length(range.header.start.rows) == length(range.header.end.rows),
NA) #why would they not be equal?
if (is.na(ranges.total)) {
# Obviously something bad happened.
# Do something about it. echo an error message perhaps.
# But why would they not be equal?
# Determine whether we have COUNTS or COUNTS PER SECOND in current UXD-file
# Assuming it is the same for all ranges in this job (a safe assumption).
if (f[range.header.end.rows][1] == "_2THETACOUNTS") {
# we got counts
counts.flag <- TRUE
cps.flag <- FALSE
if (f[range.header.end.rows][1] == "_2THETACPS") {
# we got counts per second
counts.flag <-FALSE
cps.flag <- TRUE
# Extract headers (as-is) and put them in a list (by range)
headers.raw <- list()
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
headers.raw[[range]] <- f[range.header.start.rows[range]:range.header.end.rows[range]]
# Data always start on the row after header end
range.data.start.rows <- range.header.end.rows + 1
# Data end rows precedes header with one row, except for the first range
# But only if data contained more than one range, obviously. Let's make the code check for that
if (ranges.total > 1) {
range.data.end.rows <- c(range.header.start.rows[2:length(range.header.start.rows)] - 1, length(f))
} else {
# Data in fact only contains one range
range.data.end.rows <- length(f)
# Extract data (as-is) and put it an list (by range)
data.raw <- list()
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
data.raw[[range]] <- f[range.data.start.rows[range]:range.data.end.rows[range]]
# Specify header parameters to include in dataframe
header.param.rexp <- c(steptime = "^_STEPTIME=",
stepsize = "^_STEPSIZE=",
theta = "^_THETA=",
khi = "^_KHI=",
phi = "^_PHI=",
x = "^_X=",
y = "^_Y=",
z = "^_Z=",
divergence = "^_DIVERGENCE=",
antiscatter = "^_ANTISCATTER=")
# Collect data and header parameters in dataframes, by range in a list
data <- list()
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
zz <- textConnection(data.raw[[range]], "r")
data[[range]] <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F,
int2padstr(range, "0", 3),
matrix(scan(zz, what = numeric()), ncol = 2, byrow = T))
# Collect header parameters
for (param in 1:length(header.param.rexp)) {
data[[range]] <- cbind(data[[range]],
headers.raw[[range]]) == 1)], "=")[[1]][2]))
names(data[[range]]) <-
c("sampleid", "range", "thth", ifelse(counts.flag, "counts", "cps"), names(header.param.rexp))
# Calculate the other of the pair counts <-> cps
if (counts.flag) {
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
data[[range]] <- cbind(data[[range]], cps = data[[range]]$counts / data[[range]]$steptime)
if (cps.flag) {
for (range in 1:ranges.total) {
data[[range]] <- cbind(data[[range]], counts = data[[range]]$cps * data[[range]]$steptime)
# Return a unified dataframe
data.df <- data[[1]]
if (ranges.total > 1) {
for (range in 2:ranges.total) {
data.df <- rbind(data.df, data[[range]])

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ muxd2df <- function(uxdfile) {
## Usage:
## muxd2df(uxdfile)
## Arguments:
## uxdfile: text string with full path to UXD file
## uxdfile: text string with full path to UXD file, which may
## containing single or multiple data ranges
## Value:
## Dataframe with the following columns:
@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ muxd2df <- function(uxdfile) {
zz <- textConnection(data.raw[[range]], "r")
data[[range]] <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F,
int2padstr(range, "0", 3),
matrix(scan(zz, what = numeric()), ncol = 2, byrow = T))
# Collect header parameters
@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ muxd2df <- function(uxdfile) {
headers.raw[[range]]) == 1)], "=")[[1]][2]))
names(data[[range]]) <-
c("sampleid", "thth", ifelse(counts.flag, "counts", "cps"), names(header.param.rexp))
c("sampleid", "range", "thth", ifelse(counts.flag, "counts", "cps"), names(header.param.rexp))
# Calculate the other of the pair counts <-> cps

@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
# To source a bunch of files in the same directory
sourceDir <- function(path, trace = TRUE) {
for (nm in list.files(path, pattern = "\\.[Rr]$")) {
if(trace) {
source(file.path(path, nm))
if(trace) {
lsDir <- list.files(path, pattern = "\\.[Rr]$")
for (i in lsDir) {
if(trace) {cat(i, ":")}
source(file.path(path, i))
if(trace) {cat("\n")}