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## Process *.Rnw files
## Written May 14, 2010
## Taha Ahmed
# For now, MAKE SURE that the argument consists of
# a complete filename, with extension, and
# in the directory of the Rnw file
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "cheRTeX -- a script for processing R-Sweave-LaTeX-TikZ projects"
echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
echo "MMX -- -- CHEPEC doctoral degree project"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
# Check if the argument contains a filetype
# Assumes a complete filename was passed
jobfiletype=${jobfilename#*.} # File extension
jobname=${jobfilename%.*} # Filename without extension part
echo "<cheRTeX> Detected filename: " $jobname
echo "<cheRTeX> Detected extension:" $jobfiletype
# Verifying that the file extension is *.Rnw
if [[ $jobfiletype == "Rnw" || $jobfiletype == "rnw" || $jobfiletype == "RNW" ]]; then
# File extension is *.Rnw
echo "<cheRTeX> Detected *.Rnw extension"
# File extension is not *.Rnw
echo "<cheRTeX> File extension should be *.Rnw"
echo "<cheRTeX> Terminating..."
exit 1
# Introducing a short delay to enable on-screen reading of previous echo 2
echo "Delay completed"
# Tangle
echo "<cheRTeX> Tangling..."
R CMD Stangle $jobname.$jobfiletype
# Weave
echo "<cheRTeX> Weaving..."
R CMD pgfsweave --graphics-only $jobname.$jobfiletype
# Introduce delay to give time to read R CMD exit status
echo "<cheRTeX> -------------------------"
echo "<cheRTeX> R CMD pgfsweave completed"
echo "<cheRTeX> -------------------------" 5
# Run vc script if vc exists in working directory
echo "<cheRTeX> Running vc script"
if [ -f vc ]; then
# Run pdflatex, bibtex, and company
echo "<cheRTeX> Calling LaTeXMK"
latexmk $jobname -pdf -bibtex
#echo "<cheRTeX> Calling texi2dvi()"
#R CMD texi2dvi --pdf --verbose $jobname.tex
### Perhaps the choice should be dictated from a command-line argument?
# Don't bother with this. Let latexmk take care of cleaning up
# Move unnecessary auxiliary files generated
#echo "<cheRTeX> _________________________"
#echo "<cheRTeX> ========================="
#echo "<cheRTeX> Moving auxiliary files..."
#mv *.aux logs
#mv *.log logs
#mv *.out logs
# Either no arguments, or more than one argument
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# Zero arguments. Present a menu of choices
echo "This is cheRTeX POST-PROCESSING" # only one choice for now
echo "<1> 'pdf-all' -- Process all .tikz files to pdf graphics"
echo "Any other input exits the program"
read usrchoice
# Determine number of .Rnw files in current directory
Rnwfileno=$(ls -1 $Rnwfiles | wc -l)
echo "No of .Rnw files: $Rnwfileno"
# Check if number of .Rnw files larger than one
if [ $Rnwfileno -gt 1 ]; then
# If larger than one, ask for user input
# Indicates more than one Rnw file in current directory.
# This introduces a naming ambiguity.
# Resolve by asking user for current jobname
echo "Found $Rnwfileno .Rnw files in current directory"
echo "Please specify the jobname"
read jobname
if [ -z "$jobname" ]; then
# string is null
echo "Specified jobname cannot be parsed. Terminating..."
exit 1
# There is exactly one *.Rnw file is current directory
# Fetch the jobname from the .Rnw filename by stripping off the file extension
Rnwfilename=$(ls -1 $Rnwfiles)
echo "Jobname set to: $jobname"
if [[ $usrchoice == "pdf-all" || $usrchoice == "1" ]]; then
echo "<1> 'pdf-all' chosen"
# This for loop ONLY USED to determine number of *.tikz files in directory
for tikzfiles in "$tikzfiles"; do tikzfilenumber=${#tikzfiles}; done
echo "cheRTeX detected $tikzfilenumber TikZ files for processing"
echo "Starting TikZ file processing..." 2
for tikzfilename in $tikzfiles; do
# Remove the file extension
# Call pdfLaTeX with tikz label as jobname # See TiKZ manual section 63 for more details
echo "Executing <pdflatex --jobname=$tikzlabel $jobname.$TeXfiletype>"
pdflatex --jobname=$tikzlabel $jobname.$TeXfiletype
echo "Completed TikZ file processing"
echo "Terminating..."
#mv $jobname-*.pdf tikz-pdfs
#mv *.aux logs
#mv *.log logs
#mv *.out logs
exit 1
## Here is the wild land of more than one *.Rnw file in current directory
echo "<cheRTeX> This script can be run with one argument is process mode,"
echo "<cheRTeX> or with zero arguments in post-processing mode."
echo "<cheRTeX> Terminating..."
exit 1
exit 1