#!/bin/bash ## Convert PDF to text and send to Pocket ## Written Nov 24, 2013 ## Taha Ahmed # Usage: # pdf2pocket.sh worthreading.pdf # Note: requires python and the python script "sendfromgmail.py" pdffile=$1 # Filename without extension part jobname=${pdffile%.*} txtfile=$jobname.txt htmlfile=$jobname.html # convert PDF to txt (saved in the current directory) # it seems txt works better than HTML (Pocket cannot reformat HTML files for reasons unknown to me...) pdftotext $pdffile # copy the created file to my Dropbox public folder cp $txtfile /home/taha/Dropbox/Public/$txtfile # construct the corresponding Dropbox public URL htmlurl="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47462551/$txtfile" # email url of htmlfile in public Dropbox to Pocket python ~/chepec/chetex/common/bash/sendfromgmail.py "add@getpocket.com" "dropbox2pocket" "$htmlurl"