You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
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#' Set the attributes for a generic xtable object
#' This function helps you to set the attributes for an xtable
#' object. It returns an xtable object.
#' @param xtobject the xtable (table)
#' @param nxtnames vector of names (column names)
#' @param nxtdigits vector of digits (0 if column is non-numeric, numeric of desired number of digits otherwise)
#' @param nxtdisplay vector of display format [see formatC(format=...)]
#' @param nxtalign vector of LaTeX align (e.g., "l", "c", "r", "S[table-format=1.1]", ...)
#' @param caption.text string for the LaTeX caption text
#' @param caption.label string for the LaTeX reference label
#' @details
#' Sets names, digits, display, and align for the passed xtable object
#' @return xtable object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' xtabWithAttributes <- GenericXtableSetAttributes(xtobject)
#' xtabWithAttributes <- GenericXtableSetAttributes(xtobject, nxtdigits = c(0, 2, 2, 4))
#' }
GenericXtableSetAttributes <- function(xtobject,
nxtnames = NULL,
nxtdigits = NULL,
nxtdisplay = NULL,
nxtalign = NULL,
caption.text = "nxtcaption",
caption.label = "tab:nxtlabel") {
# remember to put all names inside "{}" if you use siunitx
if (!is.null(nxtnames)) {names(xtobject) <- nxtnames}
# the prepended column due to "row.names"
if (!is.null(nxtdigits)) {xtable::digits(xtobject) <- c(0, nxtdigits)}
if (!is.null(nxtdisplay)) {xtable::display(xtobject) <- c("s", nxtdisplay)}
if (!is.null(nxtalign)) {xtable::align(xtobject) <- c("l", nxtalign)}
xtable::caption(xtobject) <- caption.text
xtable::label(xtobject) <- caption.label
return (xtobject)
#' Set xtable header in LaTeX longtable format
#' This function creates a longtable header assuming
#' that the LaTeX document will use the booktabs package.
#' This function should not be used together with \code{booktabs = TRUE}
#' @param xtobject xtable object (table)
#' @param caption.text string for the LaTeX caption text
#' @param caption.label string for the LaTeX reference label
#' @return character string (with LaTeX escaping)
#' @export
LongtableXtableHeader <- function(xtobject, caption.text, caption.label) {
ltxt.header <-
paste(paste("\\caption{", caption.text, "}", sep = "", collapse = ""),
paste("\\label{", caption.label, "}\\\\ ", sep = "", collapse = ""),
"\\toprule ",
attr(xtobject, "names")[1],
paste(" &", attr(xtobject, "names")[2:length(attr(xtobject, "names"))], collapse = ""),
"\\\\\\midrule ",
"\\endfirsthead ",
"}{c}{{\\tablename\\ \\thetable{} -- continued from previous page}}\\\\ ",
sep = ""),
"\\toprule ",
attr(xtobject, "names")[1],
paste("&", attr(xtobject, "names")[2:length(attr(xtobject, "names"))], collapse = ""),
"\\\\\\midrule ",
"\\endhead ",
"\\midrule ",
"}{r}{{Continued on next page}}\\\\ ",
sep = "", collapse = ""),
"\\bottomrule \\endfoot ",
"\\bottomrule \\endlastfoot ",
collapse = "")
#' Set xtable header in LaTeX tabular format
#' This function should be used together with \code{booktabs = TRUE}.
#' @param xtobject xtable object (table)
#' @param names.custom Use \code{names.custom} to make more complicated headers, e.g., multiple-row
#' @return character string (with LaTeX escaping)
#' @export
TabularXtableHeader <- function(xtobject, names.custom = NULL) {
if (is.null(names.custom)) {
txt.header <-
paste(attr(xtobject, "names")[1],
paste(" &", attr(xtobject, "names")[2:length(attr(xtobject, "names"))], collapse = ""),
} else {
txt.header <- names.custom