You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

86 lines
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xrfspectro2df <- function(smpfile) {
## Description:
## Reads XRF textfile from XLAB SPECTRO XRF.
## Stores data in data frame and parameters in an attributed dataframe.
## Usage:
## xrfspectro2df(smpfile)
## Arguments:
## smpfile: character string, the full filename
## (with path) to one SMP file (ASCII).
## Value:
## A dataframe with attributed dataframe
filecon <- file(smpfile, "r")
smpcontents <- readLines(filecon, n = -1) #read all lines of input file
sampleid <- ProvideSampleId(smpfile)
# <- "^Kanal\\s[\\d]+:"
numrow.idx <- regexpr(, smpcontents, perl = TRUE)
# scrap the match.length attribute
attr(numrow.idx, "match.length") <- NULL
# Determine how many columns the data contains
smpdata.cols <- length(strsplit(smpcontents[which(numrow.idx == 1)][1], "\t")[[1]]) - 1
# While we are at it, save row count to a variable as well
smpdata.rows <- length(smpcontents[which(numrow.idx == 1)])
# strip prefix off each data row
#smpdata <- matrix(NA, ncol = smpdata.cols, nrow = smpdata.rows)
smpdata.txt <- vector(length = smpdata.rows)
for (i in 1:smpdata.rows) {
smpdata.txt[i] <- strsplit(smpcontents[which(numrow.idx == 1)][i], ":")[[1]][2]
smpdata.txt.clean <- gsub("^\\s", "",
gsub("\\t", " ", smpdata.txt))
zz <- textConnection(smpdata.txt.clean, "r")
ff <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
sampleid = sampleid,
channel = seq(1, smpdata.rows),
matrix(scan(zz, what = numeric(), sep = " "),
ncol = smpdata.cols, byrow = TRUE))
names(ff) <- c("sampleid", "channel", paste("Y", seq(1, smpdata.cols), sep = ""))
### Collect attributes of this experiment
SMPattrEdit <- matrix(c("Voltage", "^Voltage:",
"Current", "^Current:",
"Target", "^Target:",
"Duration", "^Meas\\.\\sDuration:",
"Impulse", "^Imp\\.\\sRate:",
"DeadTime", "^Rel\\.\\sDead\\sTime:",
"FirstChannel", "^First\\sChannel:",
"LastChannel", "^Last\\sChannel:",
"PeakTime", "^Peak\\sTime:",
"Gain", "^Gain:",
"ZeroPeak", "^Zero\\sPeak:"),
ncol = 2, byrow = T)
SMPattr <- matrix(NA, nrow = smpdata.cols + 1, ncol = dim(SMPattrEdit)[1])
for (c in 1:dim(SMPattrEdit)[1]) {
SMPattr[1, c] <- SMPattrEdit[c, 1]
SMPattr[2:dim(SMPattr)[1], c] <-
matrix(strsplit(gsub("^\\t", "",
strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(SMPattrEdit[c, 2], smpcontents) == 1)],
":")[[1]][2]), "\\t")[[1]], ncol = smpdata.cols)
SMPdf <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
SMPattr[2:dim(SMPattr)[1], ])
colnames(SMPdf) <- SMPattr[1, ]
### Now calculate the energy (keV) scale (convert from channels to energy)
ff$X <- ff$channel * (as.numeric(SMPdf$Gain[1]) / as.numeric(SMPdf$LastChannel[1]))
# Attach parameters to returned dataframe
attr(ff, "parameters") <- SMPdf