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################### Raman2df #######################
Raman2df <- function(datafilename) {
# Function description: for reading Raman spectrum into dataframe
datafile <- file(datafilename, "r")
chifile <- readLines(datafile, n = -1) #read all lines of input file
sampleid <- ProvideSampleId(datafilename)
ff <- data.frame(NULL)
zz <- textConnection(chifile, "r")
ff <- rbind(ff, data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
matrix(scan(zz, what = numeric(), sep = "\t"),
ncol = 2, byrow = T)))
names(ff) <- c("sampleid", "shift", "counts")
# Re-order by increasing shift
ff <- ff[order(ff$shift), ]
# And fix the row.names
row.names(ff) <- seq(1, dim(ff)[1])
# Do not re-calculate the spectrum with evenly spaced points here!
# You must first remove cosmic peaks, and as long as that is done
# manually, re-calculation to evenly spaced shifts must also be
# done manually.