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Taha Ahmed 64c4b6004d Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
+ Rewrote package title and description to make it clearer
+ Fleshed out the README
+ bumped minor version number
+ added GPL-3 LICENSE file
+ removed what must have been unnecessary package dependencies
  from imports (knitr, xtable)
+ added xtable to suggests field instead (seems to be enough)
+ deleted commented out, long-deprecated, functions nm2eV() and
+ fixed link to mirrored repo on git.solarchemist.se
R Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
man Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
.gitignore Refactored code into a rudimentary R package.
DESCRIPTION Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
LICENSE Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
NAMESPACE Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
README.md Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
common.Rproj Refactored code into a rudimentary R package.


My collection of R utility functions

Includes common utilities and converters as well as some functions tailored heavily towards my own use cases.

If you find something you like, feel free to copy it and use it for your own work. If you spot a bug, open an issue or let me know (with my appreciation!).

Note that the package is named common, despite the repository being name R-common. Sorry about that (this was one of the very first packages I created, and I haven't gotten around to fixing the naming mismatch yet).

This repository is mirrored on git.solarchemist.se.

Install this package

To use this package, install it from this repo:


Develop this package

Check out the source code from this repo:

git clone https://github.com/solarchemist/R-common.git

I suggest the following package rebuild procedure:

  • Run devtools::check(). Should complete with no warnings, errors or notes:
── R CMD check results ─────────────────────────────────────── common 0.1.0 ────
Duration: 8.1s

0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔
  • If necessary, run devtools::document() to update the documentation.

Contributions are welcome, no matter whether code, bug reports or suggestions!