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################ LinearBaseline ##################
LinearBaseline <- function (potential, current, iplim) {
## Arguments:
## potential: full half-cycle, potentials
## current: full half-cycle, currents
## iplim: interpolation limits along x (potential)
## Value:
## A dataframe with two columns, potential and current
## (of the calculated baseline)
# Construct potential-current dataframe
sweep <- data.frame(potential = potential, current = current)
sweep.iplim <- subset(subset(sweep, potential > iplim[1]), potential < iplim[2])
sweep.baseline <- data.frame(potential = approxExtrap(sweep.iplim$potential,
sweep.iplim$current, xout = sweep$potential, method = "linear")$x,
current = approxExtrap(sweep.iplim$potential, sweep.iplim$current,
xout = sweep$potential, method = "linear")$y) <- data.frame(potential = sweep.baseline$potential,
current = sweep.baseline$current)