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################## scherrer ######################
scherrer <- function(integralbreadth, thth, wavelength = 1.54056, shapeconstant = ((4/3)*(pi/6))^(1/3)) {
# Function for calculating crystallite grain size from reflection data
# ARGS: integralbreadth - vector with integral breadth of reflections (in degrees)
# thth - vector with 2theta values of reflections (in degrees)
# wavelength - X-ray wavelength used (default 1.54056 A, Cu Ka)
# shapeconstant - Scherrer constant (default spherical, ~0.9)
# VALUE: vector with size parameters
## REQUIRES: as.radians()
D <- (shapeconstant * wavelength) / (as.radians(integralbreadth) * cos(as.radians(thth)))
# cos() - angles must be in radians, not degrees!
return(D) #units of angstrom