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################### muxd2ls ######################
muxd2ls <- function(uxdfile) {
# Function that reads an UXD file which contains several ranges
# (created in a programmed run, for example)
# Arguments
# :: uxdfile (filename with extension)
# Returns: List of matrices, as many as there were ranges
# Requires: ??
# See extensive comments in muxd2mtx()
cchar <- "[;_]" #comment characters used in Bruker's UXD
cdata <- "[0-9]"
ufile <- file(uxdfile, "r")
f <- readLines(ufile, n=-1) #read _all_ lines from UXD file
wh <- regexpr(cchar, f)
mh <- wh[1:length(wh)]
i <- seq(1, length(mh) - 1, 1)
j <- seq(2, length(mh), 1)
starts <- which(mh[i] == 1 & mh[j] != 1) + 1
ends <- which(mh[i] != 1 & mh[j] == 1)
ends <- c(ends, length(mh))
ff <- list()
for (s in 1:length(starts)) {
zz <- textConnection(f[starts[s]:ends[s]], "r")
ms <- matrix(scan(zz, what = numeric()), ncol = 2, byrow = T)
ff[[s]] <- ms
# Return list of matrices