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############## SubstrateHistory ##################
SubstrateHistory <- function(sampleid) {
matrix <- LoadRData2Variable("/home/taha/chepec/chetex/sample-matrix/sample-matrix-substrates.rda")
# Extract the rows pertaining to the current sampleid
sample.history <- matrix[which(matrix$sampleid == sampleid), ]
# Loops remove all "\\labreport{...}" strings (they make the table too wide otherwise)
for (j in 1:dim(sample.history)[1]) {
for (k in 1:dim(sample.history)[2]) {
sample.history[j, k] <- gsub("^\\\\labreport.*?\\}\\{", "", sample.history[j, k])
sample.history[j, k] <- gsub("\\}$", "", sample.history[j, k])
# Find empty columns and collect their column indices
empty.cols <- matrix(data = FALSE, nrow = 1, ncol = dim(sample.history)[2])
for (k in 1:dim(sample.history)[2]) {
if (paste(sample.history[, k], collapse = "") == "") {
empty.cols[, k] <- TRUE
# Save the names of the empty columns
empty.names <- names(sample.history)[which(empty.cols)]
# Remove the identified empty columns plus those columns deemed unwanted
sample.history <- sample.history[, -c(which(empty.cols == TRUE),
#which(names(sample.history) == "sampleid"),
which(names(sample.history) == "created"),
which(names(sample.history) == "project"))]
# Save the empty column names as attribute to sample.history dataframe
attr(sample.history, "empty.names") <- empty.names