#' AddColumnEnergy #' #' A poorly documented function. #' To be honest I don't remember what it's for. Not exported. #' #' @param path.to.folder full path to folder containing data files #' #' @return Writes to file. AddColumnEnergy <- function(path.to.folder) { txt.files <- list.files(path = path.to.folder, pattern = "\\.txt$", full.names = TRUE) # message(txt.files) for (f in 1:length(txt.files)) { this.file <- txt.files[f] # read the file contents into df this.data <- utils::read.table(this.file, header = T, col.names = c("wavelength", "intensity")) # add energy (eV) as third column this.data$energy <- photoec::wavelength2energy(this.data$wavelength) # message(head(this.data)) utils::write.table(this.data, file = this.file, sep = "\t", col.names = c("#Wave", "#Intensity", "#Energy"), row.names = FALSE) } }