source("/home/taha/chepec/chetex/common/R/common/ProvideSampleId.R") xrfspectro2df <- function(smpfile) { ## Description: ## Total remake of xrfspectro2df(). Idea is to accomodate all 6 possible ## datasets of each SMP file, plus the attributes. ## Reads XRF textfile from XLAB SPECTRO XRF. ## Stores data in data frame and parameters in an attributed dataframe. ## Usage: ## xrfspectro2df(smpfile) ## Arguments: ## smpfile: character string, the full filename ## (with path) to one SMP file (ASCII). ## Value: ## A dataframe with attributed dataframe #### ONLY BOTHER WITH THE FIRST MEASUREMENT IN THE SMP-FILE. filecon <- file(smpfile, "r") smpcontents <- readLines(filecon, n = -1) #read all lines of input file close(filecon) # Parameter table # Those are the parameter we may access later in this function xrf.param <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, matrix(c("Method", "^Method:", "Job", "^Job:", "Status", "^Status:", "Description", "^Description:", "Date", "^Date\\sof\\sMeasurement:", "Measurements", "^Measurements:", "Voltage", "^Voltage:", "Current", "^Current:", "Target", "^Target:", "Duration", "^Meas\\.\\sDuration:", "Impulse", "^Imp\\.\\sRate:", "DeadTime", "^Rel\\.\\sDead\\sTime:", "FirstChannel", "^First\\sChannel:", "LastChannel", "^Last\\sChannel:", "PeakTime", "^Peak\\sTime:", "Gain", "^Gain:", "ZeroPeak", "^Zero\\sPeak:", "Data", "^Kanal\\s[\\d]+:"), ncol = 2, byrow = T)) names(xrf.param) <- c("parameter", "regexp") # Data table # Contains the regexp used for identifiying rows containing data <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, matrix(c("Data", "^Kanal\\s[\\d]+:"), ncol = 2, byrow = T)) names( <- c("parameter", "regexp") # Find out how many measurements we have in this # file by accessing the Measurements field n_measurements <- as.numeric(strsplit(gsub("^\\t", "", strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Measurements", select = "regexp")$regexp, smpcontents) == 1)], ":")[[1]][2]), "\\t")[[1]]) # If more than one measurement, issue warning if (n_measurements > 1) { warning(paste(paste(n_measurements, " measurements detected in ", basename(smpfile), sep = ""), "Only the first measurement will be recorded", sep = "\n", collapse = "")) } # How many rows of data? n_rowsdata <- length(which(regexpr(subset(, parameter == "Data", select = "regexp")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)) # Build an empty matrix big enough to hold all data # (i.e., ncol = 3, and nrow = n_rowsdata * n_measurements) data.long <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 5, nrow = 6 * n_rowsdata)) names(data.long) <- c("sampleid", "measurement", "channel", "energy", "counts") data.mtx <- matrix(NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n_rowsdata) for (j in 1:n_rowsdata) { data.mtx[j, ] <- as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(, parameter == "Data", select = "regexp")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[j]][2], "\\t")[[1]]) } # Sampleid to column 1 data.long[, 1] <- rep(ProvideSampleId(smpfile), n_rowsdata) # Channel to column 3 data.long[, 3] <- rep(seq(1, n_rowsdata), dim(data.mtx)[2]) for (c in 1:6) { # Measurement no. in column 2 data.long[((c * n_rowsdata) - n_rowsdata + 1):(((c + 1) * n_rowsdata) - n_rowsdata), 2] <- rep(c, n_rowsdata) # Counts in column 5 data.long[((c * n_rowsdata) - n_rowsdata + 1):(((c + 1) * n_rowsdata) - n_rowsdata), 5] <- data.mtx[, c] } # Drop all rows with measurement-number not equal to 1 data.long <- subset(data.long, measurement == 1) # Fetch the measurement parameters data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Date")$parameter] <- rep(substr(strsplit(gsub("^\\t", "", strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Date")$regexp, smpcontents) == 1)], ":")[[1]][2]), "\\t")[[1]][1], 1, 8), n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Method")$parameter] <- rep(strsplit(gsub("^\\t", "", strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Method")$regexp, smpcontents) == 1)], ":")[[1]][2]), "\\t")[[1]][1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Job")$parameter] <- rep(strsplit(gsub("^\\t", "", strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Job")$regexp, smpcontents) == 1)], ":")[[1]][2]), "\\t")[[1]][1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Status")$parameter] <- rep(strsplit(gsub("^\\t", "", strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Status")$regexp, smpcontents) == 1)], ":")[[1]][2]), "\\t")[[1]][1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Description")$parameter] <- rep(gsub("^\\t", "", strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Description")$regexp, smpcontents) == 1)], ":")[[1]][2]), n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Voltage")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Voltage")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Current")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Current")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Target")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Target")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Duration")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Duration")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Impulse")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Impulse")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "DeadTime")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "DeadTime")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "FirstChannel")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "FirstChannel")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "LastChannel")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "LastChannel")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "PeakTime")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "PeakTime")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Gain")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "Gain")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) data.long[, subset(xrf.param, parameter == "ZeroPeak")$parameter] <- rep(as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(smpcontents[which(regexpr(subset(xrf.param, parameter == "ZeroPeak")$regexp, smpcontents, perl = TRUE) == 1)], ":\\t")[[1]][2], "\\t")[[1]])[1], n_rowsdata) # Convert channel into energy scale # Using the following assumptions: # 1. Zero peak is always the strongest (highest) peak in the spectrum # The channel with maximum counts should correspond to 0 keV # This gives a one-channel deviation from what the instrument shows # for a 12.5 keV range measurement using 1024 channels (so far) # This is good enough for our purposes, since the peak energies for most # ions do not match with reference values without a correction term anyway. <- which(data.long$counts == max(data.long$counts)) data.long$energy <- (data.long$channel * (data.long$Gain / data.long$LastChannel)) - (( / data.long$LastChannel) * data.long$Gain) # Save the maxchannel to the returned dataframe data.long$ZeroChannel <- rep(, n_rowsdata) # Calculate energy from channel # this is no longer viable #data.long$energy <- (data.long$channel * (data.long$Gain / data.long$LastChannel)) - # ((24 / data.long$LastChannel) * data.long$Gain) return(data.long) }