% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/common.R \name{LoadRData2Variable} \alias{LoadRData2Variable} \title{LoadRData2Variable} \usage{ LoadRData2Variable(path, url = "") } \arguments{ \item{path}{local path to rda file (default)} \item{url}{remote URL to rda file (note: requires explicitly specifying argument)} } \value{ an R object, you will probably want to assign it to a variable } \description{ This function loads R-data file into a variable instead of into the workspace. Works well when the R-data file contains only ONE variable. Not tested for when the R-data file contains more than one variable. } \examples{ \dontrun{ abscoeff <- LoadRData2Variable("/path/file.rda") abscoeef <- LoadRData2Variable(url="http://public.solarchemist/data/file.rda") } }