% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/latex-xtable.R \name{GenericXtableSetAttributes} \alias{GenericXtableSetAttributes} \title{Set the attributes for a generic xtable object} \usage{ GenericXtableSetAttributes( xtobject, nxtnames = NULL, nxtdigits = NULL, nxtdisplay = NULL, nxtalign = NULL, caption.text = "nxtcaption", caption.label = "tab:nxtlabel" ) } \arguments{ \item{xtobject}{the xtable (table)} \item{nxtnames}{vector of names (column names)} \item{nxtdigits}{vector of digits (0 if column is non-numeric, numeric of desired number of digits otherwise)} \item{nxtdisplay}{vector of display format [see formatC(format=...)]} \item{nxtalign}{vector of LaTeX align (e.g., "l", "c", "r", "S[table-format=1.1]", ...)} \item{caption.text}{string for the LaTeX caption text} \item{caption.label}{string for the LaTeX reference label} } \value{ xtable object } \description{ This function helps you to set the attributes for an xtable object. It returns an xtable object. } \details{ Sets names, digits, display, and align for the passed xtable object } \examples{ \dontrun{ xtabWithAttributes <- GenericXtableSetAttributes(xtobject) xtabWithAttributes <- GenericXtableSetAttributes(xtobject, nxtdigits = c(0, 2, 2, 4)) } }