4 Commits (c00fcc54a9d1c91a661cc41a76242e2fcb5f9901)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Taha Ahmed c00fcc54a9 Added functions for converting to/from wavelength and wavenumbers. 8 years ago
Taha Ahmed a67ce80e2b Lots of changes, apparently ...
Latest change: addition of generic Xtable handler functions
(GenericXtableSetAttributes(), TabularXtableHeader(), and the longtable
version of that one, which is LongtableXtableHeader()).
10 years ago
Taha Ahmed 203bd6cfbe Added an extra arg (mainlabel) plus other minor changes so that LaTeX doesnot complain
about "multiply-defined labels".
12 years ago
Taha Ahmed d0044d87ed New function SubfigureGenerator() takes a vector of images and captions and creates a LaTeX subfigure. 12 years ago