5 Commits (c00fcc54a9d1c91a661cc41a76242e2fcb5f9901)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Taha Ahmed c00fcc54a9 Added functions for converting to/from wavelength and wavenumbers. 8 years ago
Taha Ahmed a6466ddc02 Split original git repo by subdirectory. 13 years ago
Taha Ahmed 70c39b9145 xrdpkWrapper.R now correctly handles situations where file already exists,
override = TRUE, and run > 1. Previously only the latest run was actually saved,
although the created list had the right length.
Works correctly and as intended now, as far as I can tell.
13 years ago
Taha Ahmed 0579b5ea52 Many small changes and updates. Need separate git repo for each instrument. 13 years ago
Taha Ahmed 74450ff30c Most recent change: added working electrode area to electrochemical functions. 13 years ago