4 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Taha Ahmed 64c4b6004d Added function to format numbers with their SI unit prefix
+ Rewrote package title and description to make it clearer
+ Fleshed out the README
+ bumped minor version number
+ added GPL-3 LICENSE file
+ removed what must have been unnecessary package dependencies
  from imports (knitr, xtable)
+ added xtable to suggests field instead (seems to be enough)
+ deleted commented out, long-deprecated, functions nm2eV() and
+ fixed link to mirrored repo on git.solarchemist.se
10 months ago
Taha Ahmed 681e636bf4 Added water vapour pressure data,
and functions for converting torr <-> pascal.
7 years ago
Taha Ahmed 5d7230ebaf Completely reworked electrochemical scale converter
by adding a new family of functions.
Corrected package version number to dev. A few other smaller (older) changes.
8 years ago
Taha Ahmed e22546cb3c Refactored code into a rudimentary R package. 8 years ago