Added function ConvertRefPot().

Function takes a potential and its reference electrode, and converts to a specified reference electrode scale, either another or the same.
I made it to simplify converting between different reference electrode scales in running text.
Taha Ahmed 13 years ago
parent 100afe81af
commit eb9d5d2dd7

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# Taha Ahmed, Jan 2011
# >>>> ConvertRefPot
# >>>> Celsius2Kelvin
# >>>> Kelvin2Celsius
# >>>> as.radians
@ -11,6 +12,55 @@
################# ConvertRefPot ##################
ConvertRefPot <- function(argpotential, argrefscale, valuerefscale) {
# Converts from some reference potential scale into another
# SHE: standard hydrogen electrode scale
# Ag/AgCl: silver silver-chloride electrode scale
# SCE: standard calomel scale
##### Add more reference electrodes here >>
refpotatSHEzero <- c( 0, -0.21, -0.24, 3)
refrownames <- c( "SHE", "Ag/AgCl", "SCE", "Li/Li+")
refcolnames <- c("SHE0", "AgCl0", "SCE0", "Li0")
##### Add more reference electrodes here <<
SHE0 <- data.frame(matrix(refpotatSHEzero, ncol=length(refpotatSHEzero), byrow=T))
refpotmtx <- matrix(NA, length(SHE0), length(SHE0))
refpotmtx[,1] <- matrix(as.matrix(SHE0), ncol=1, byrow=T)
for (c in 2:length(SHE0)) {
# loop over columns (except the first)
for (r in 1:length(SHE0)) {
# loop over rows
refpotmtx[r, c] <- refpotmtx[r, 1] - refpotmtx[c, 1]
refpotdf <-
names(refpotdf) <- refcolnames
row.names(refpotdf) <- refrownames
## So far we have made a matrix of all the possible combinations,
## given the vector refpotatSHEzero. The matrix is not strictly necessary,
## but it may prove useful later. It does.
# Match argrefscale to the refrownames
argmatch <- match(argrefscale, refrownames, nomatch = 0)
# Match valuerefscale to the refrownames
valuematch <- match(valuerefscale, refrownames, nomatch = 0)
# We simply assume that the match was well-behaved
valuepotential <- argpotential + refpotdf[valuematch, argmatch]
# Check that arg and value electrodes are within bounds for a match
if (argmatch == 0 || valuematch == 0) {
# No match
# Perform suitable action
message("Arg out of bounds in call to ConvertRefPot")
valuepotential <- NA
############### Celsius2Kelvin ###################
