#' Convert from SHE scale to another electrochemical or physical scale
#' Convert an arbitrary number of potentials vs SHE to another electrochemical
#' scale (or the vacuum scale).
#' The available target scales are those listed by \code{\link{potentials.as.SHE}}.
#' @param potential potential in volt
#' @param scale name of the target scale
#' @param electrolyte optional, specify electrolyte solution, e.g., "KCl(aq)". Must match one of the values in \code{\link{potentials.as.SHE}$electrolyte}
#' @param concentration of electrolyte in mol/L, or as the string "saturated"
#' @param temperature of system in degrees Celsius
#' @param as.SHE.data by default this parameter reads the full dataset \code{\link{potentials.as.SHE}}
#' @return potential in the specified target scale
#' @export
# make this work for arbitrary-length vectors of potential and scale
# make sure potential and scale args have the same length
if (length(potential)==0|length(scale)==0){
stop("Arguments potential or scale cannot be empty!")
}elseif (length(potential)!=length(scale)){
stop("Arguments potential and scale must have the same number of elements")
# make the args concentration, temperature and electrolyte this same length,
# unless the user supplied them (only necessary for > 1)
if (arglength>1){
# handle two cases:
# 1. user did not touch concentration, temperature and electrolyte args.
# Assume they forgot and reset their length and print a message
# 2. user did change concentration or temperature or electrolyte, but still failed to
# ensure length equal to arglength. In this case, abort.
# note: we can get the default value set in the function call using formals()
if (identical(concentration,formals(from.SHE)$concentration)&
message(paste0("Default concentration (",formals(from.SHE)$concentration,"), temperature (",formals(from.SHE)$temperature,"C) used for all supplied potential and scale values."))
# case 2
stop("Concentration, temperature and electrolyte arguments must have the same number of elements as potential and scale!")
## we can now safely assume that length(<args>) == arglength
# place args into a single dataframe
# this way, we can correlate columns to each other by row
temperature = 25, as.SHE.data = potentials.as.SHE())
\item{potential}{potential in volt}
\item{scale}{name of the target scale}
\item{electrolyte}{optional, specify electrolyte solution, e.g., "KCl(aq)". Must match one of the values in \code{\link{potentials.as.SHE}$electrolyte}}
\item{concentration}{of electrolyte in mol/L, or as the string "saturated"}
\item{temperature}{of system in degrees Celsius}
\item{as.SHE.data}{by default this parameter reads the full dataset \code{\link{potentials.as.SHE}}}
potential in the specified target scale
Convert an arbitrary number of potentials vs SHE to another electrochemical
scale (or the vacuum scale).
The available target scales are those listed by \code{\link{potentials.as.SHE}}.