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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/unit-converters-electrochemical.R
\title{Potentials as SHE}
tidy dataframe with the following columns
\code{electrode} \tab reference electrode \cr
\code{electrolyte} \tab electrolyte \cr
\code{conc.num} \tab concentration of electrolyte, mol/L \cr
\code{conc.string} \tab concentration of electrolyte, as string, may also note temperature at which conc \cr
\code{temp} \tab temperature / degrees Celsius \cr
\code{SHE} \tab potential vs SHE / volt \cr
\code{sid} \tab set id, just for housekeeping inside this function \cr
\code{reference} \tab BibTeX reference \cr
\code{dEdT} \tab temperature coefficient / volt/kelvin \cr
This function just outputs a tidy dataframe with potential vs SHE for
different scales, electrolytes, concentrations, and temperatures.
Using data from literature.