## How to use this LaTeX class Clone this repo into your `TEXMF_LOCAL` directory (on Debian/Ubuntu, that is usually `/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/`): ``` $ cd /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex $ git clone https://git.solarchemist.se/latex/uuthesistemplate.git ``` Don't forget to run `texhash`, and you should be all set. ## The LuaLaTeX UU thesis class This is my own rewrite of [the official (but unsupported) XeLaTeX class for PhD thesis at Uppsala university](https://libguides.ub.uu.se/avhandling/latex). To use it, start your main tex file with: ``` \RequirePackage{luatex85} \documentclass{LuaUUThesis} [... the rest of your document ...] ``` You will have to compile your document using `lualatex`, like this: ``` $ lualatex thesis.tex ``` But you probably use a nice makefile or something for that :-) ## The XeLaTeX UU thesis class I have made some slight alterations to this class compared to the original UU class. Use it like this: ``` \documentclass{UUThesisTemplate} ``` Compile your document with `xelatex`. ## Notes and references + [LaTeX hack: Adding a custom .cls to your search path](http://matsguru.com/latex-hack-adding-a-custom-cls-to-your-search-path/) + [How to have a local package override default package](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/8357/how-to-have-local-package-override-default-package/8359#8359) + [How do I add a .sty file to my MacTeX/TeXShop installation?](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/10252/how-do-i-add-a-sty-file-to-my-mactex-texshop-installation) + [Undefined control sequence error for LuaLaTeX, TeX.SE](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/315025/lualatex-texlive-2016-standalone-undefined-control-sequence) + [Avhandlingsstöd Uppsala universitet, XeLaTeX mall](https://libguides.ub.uu.se/avhandling/latex)